

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation PINCHEN DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Designer Yifei Pang
Description(English) Different cities have grown into the same appearance, and life has become similarly monotonous and boring. The universe has unlimited space and has the freedom to explore the unknown. The classic timeless design and architectural aesthetics integrate the rhythm and elegance of space with architecture and art. The light of silver and green is classical, warm and bright like the primary colors of minerals. The wavy lines seem to soften the solid and liquefy to release a warm and moist quality in the heavy weight. Fuse the space and form a dramatic subtle contrast of the representation.
Description(Native) 不同的城市长成同一个模样生活也变成了相似的单调且乏味起来,宇宙无限空间,有探索未知的自由。以非传统的自由精神为灵感代表一种充满创造性的力量和网红基因。这是我们需要打造不一样的售楼处具备的设计想法以非传统的自由精神为灵感,代表一种充满创造性的力量和网红基因,这是我们需要打造不一样的售楼处具备的设计想法。建筑如一艘透明玻璃的飞船,通过空间和材料表达情感,运用艺术性呈现建筑的哲学、品牌的灵魂。经典的隽永设计建筑美学将空间的韵律、优雅与建筑、艺术融为一体。银与绿色的光芒,古典、温煦而璀璨像是是矿物的原色,波浪的线条仿佛将固体软化,液化在厚重的份量中释放出温润的质态。融合空间并将表征构成戏剧性的微妙反差 静止和运动仿佛能在一瞬间转换。均衡 细腻 漫流的质态试图 用灯光与各种材质的配合阔值设计。尝试在原始的自然科学 物理学与空间的哲学中找到关联。以空间的「解构性」和「抽象性」构序「未来」并渗透出宇宙的野性诗意。
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