

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Lakeshore Hotel Hualien Taroko
Designer Lakeshore Hotel Hualien Taroko
Description(English) The designer has painted the entrance of the lobby in a mild color and constructed the space with stone slabs, veneer, and iron parts in staggered order which has created an ambiance of tranquility. Also, with the texture of natural elements, space owns a fresh feeling. In addition, the designer has focused on the feature of order when planning the layout such as the setting of the seats between the area of the cylinder, cabinets with the characteristic of transparency, glass partition which has eliminated the sense of blockage.
Description(Native) 本空間位於花蓮濱海,擁有天海一線的蔚藍景致,澄澈透明的太平洋在岸邊拍打、伴隨水滴的海風輕拂,漫步其間,任身心靈徜徉於此。相較於其他渡假飯店,本空間位於花蓮新城濱海區域,擁有大片通透的自然景致是一大優勢。設計者以花蓮天然風貌作為靈感發想,將空間與環境融合,逐步由入口大廳、公共空間、廊道、至各房型細膩規劃,掌握各空間優勢,在動線與秩序的重新梳理下,規畫出環繞美景的渡假場所,給予賓客不同以往的心靈宴饗。一樓部分以入口大廳作為空間開場,在沉穩內斂的色彩選搭中,以材料紋理如石板、木皮、鐵件等元素交錯鋪述,圍塑靜謐悠遠的豐富層次,自然營造出原始材料肌理變化的質樸調性,賦予清新舒適的空間氛圍。此外,設計者著重「空間的秩序性」,在擘劃空間動線時將基地整合機能與美感,於柱體間設置卡座區、穿透性櫃體、簍空窗面、穿透隔屏,消弭原空間柱體帶來的阻塞感。此外,也細膩添入豐富材料的變化,在選以沉穩灰階色調、莫藍迪色系的調配中,透過相異材質如石材、木皮、鐵件的變化,體現同調異材質的豐富層次,並以脫縫手法的線軸劃分,交織著空間虛實相映的唯美秩序。
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