


FULU canola oil

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Country China
Year 2018
Client Changzhou Houji agriculture company
Affiliation Company
Designer rong, Ding, zenonchen
Description(English) Calabash has the partial tone of blessing and good fortune in China. It precisely symbolizes the brand concept of adhering to the tradition and respecting the nature. The curve of the bottle also perfectly realizes the function of carrying. The whole shape is of explicit traditional colors, but it showed the visual style of modern fashion in the expression form and detail processing, to echo the modern and young positioning of the brand. The leather handle linking the bottleneck intensified the carrying function, and more importantly, as the finishing touch, it makes the overall shape more plump and the temperament more dignified.
Description(Native) 丰番是致力于弘扬传统农作精神的现代有机农品品牌,此次推出的菜籽油还原了传统的天然的制作工序,秉持了遵与自然的理念。设计意在通过传统文化的精髓,透过现代的审美风格创造了独具特色且内涵突出的包装形式。葫芦本有福禄的谐音,一直被赋予吉祥与丰收富足的深刻概念,正象征了品牌秉承传统,尊重自然的理念。而瓶形本身形成的曲线也完美的实现了拎取的功能。整体形态虽然具有明确的传统色彩,然而无论是表达形式和细节处理都展现了现代时尚的视觉风格,以此呼应了品牌现代年轻的定位。连接瓶口的皮质把手一方面强化了拎取的功能实现,更重要的是作为点睛之笔,让整体造型更为饱满,气质也更为高贵。
Website www.rong-design.com
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