


Sense Liven

Extra Form
Year 2019
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer HsuanTingHuang, Tsung Ying Hsieh
Description(English) Tactile of sense liven is a heart-touching blending of sense and experience; Tactile of sense liven is not just about designing furniture and home décor, but a service process as well. Instead of making and distributing mass produced products, we invite users to learn manufacturing process of furniture and experience with their own hands. In response to the DIY culture of contemporary society, we create an open source sequential design to invite users to participate in the design and manufacturing process freely, creating an emotional connection between the creator and creation.
Description(Native) 觸感、體驗、感動 Tactile of Sense Liven 此家具系列利用完全無法被回收的皮革剩料,重新思考家具的製造方式,並重新定義人與製造物件之間的關係。用手作DIY方式創造別出心裁 的結構,運用皮革本身具有的彈性與韌度支撐人體重量。選擇工廠中的皮革廢料,重新染色、裁切成各種等差序列之圓片,不用到任何金屬結 構支撐的情況下,借重皮革的柔韌強度乘載人體,突破以傳統皮革加金屬結構作設計的侷限,將皮革產業下的剩料重組賦予新貌;不只是設計家具家飾,而是設計一道服務流程!與其大量製造放在通路,不如讓人了解家具製造流程,讓人參與製造體驗。開源我們所創造的序列結構,讓使用者自行創造更多家具的可能性。
Website www.behance.net/pazhuang36d9
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