



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation NorthYork Design
Designer Alex Hsiung
Description(English) The iron surface and veneer form a reception desk, and the floating light below erases the heaviness of the volume. The hand-painted wall in a grayscale base allows the mind to gradually settle into restfulness. With the extension of the reception desk, the lower level is expanded into a TV wall in a longue area. The lounge area starts with floor in a grayscale tone and extends horizontally after climbing the facade to an ink-colored display cabinet, which not only mirrors the TV wall but also creates a balance of tension with the white storage cabinets hanging above. The rustic stucco injects a gentle atmosphere into the open meeting area.
Description(Native) 甫入室內,以鐵件為面材緊扣實木皮組構迎賓櫃台,下方若隱若現的浮光抹除量體的沉重感,牆面則以灰階的手抹紋理形塑視線上的端景,讓心緒隨著色系的收斂逐漸沉澱。依循櫃檯的延展,在經轉折後下層拓展一方平台作為休憩區的電視主牆。以墨色為主牆背景,利用深淺色系的轉換擘劃清晰有致的空間層次。 休憩區以灰階的地坪為起始,在攀附於立面後橫向延展至墨色的展示櫃除了與電視牆相互輝映外,亦與上懸吊的淨白收納櫃形塑色系上的張力平衡。循序而進的推演將視覺引導至窗外光景,釋放開敞明朗的通透尺度。 灰度色彩向上展延至天幕,灰泥的樸質語彙為開放式的洽談區注入一抹溫雅氣質。凹凸起伏的石材作為端景,一旁佇立的玻璃展示櫃擺放著各式藏品,在光源的投影、漫射下收攏內斂的空間景敘。 藉由通透的玻璃為隔間延展視線落點,透過俐落的空間動線,重新定義場域卻又讓彼此之間相互串聯。 簡練的色系鋪張辦公區域,純淨的色澤讓思想不受拘束的盡情翱翔。
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