Country | China |
Year | 2021 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Huachuang Design(华创组设计) |
Designer | Tao Tian(田涛), Mingxiang Wang(汪明祥), Cheng Jiang(蒋骋), Mengjun Dai(戴梦君), Lidong Rong(戎利东) |
Description(English) | The design of the restaurantconcept is rooted in the integration between the art and craftsmanship relating to the the Chu culture. The overall design attempts to highlight a contrast between force and grace;a joint point between richness and lissomness, two very contradictory perceptions, has been found through design expressions. In the meantime, the sublime and dignified “bronze vessels” and “ancient city walls” of Chu Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period are integrated with the graceful and lissome “Yangtze River” and “white cranes” that are unique to the local natural ecosystem. |
Description(Native) | 江上荟餐厅在接受委托时,业主希望摆脱传统餐饮的影子,针对楚文化而展开设计,体现此时此地的文化底蕴。 契合此要求,我们的设计希望结合当下的商业需求,追寻尘封历史中的那段辉煌的历程。 江上荟餐厅试图寻找一种刚与柔的对比;厚重和轻盈两种矛盾的感受,通过用设计的表达找到一个结合点,同时将春秋楚国的“青铜器”“古城墙”的浑厚凝重和本地自然生态独有的“长江”和“白鹤”的柔和轻盈都赋予将空间独特的人文气质,向客人传递出丰富的意蕴。 整体空间明朗开阔,布局上传承着东方的含蓄内敛,空间划分上运用了东方文化的“隔”、“障”、“框”、“透”等手法分隔组合空间,同时紧密结合功能需求。整体视觉流畅,隔而不断,形成了丰富的空空间层次又减少了空间中的无效区域,为空间增添了意蕴。 “意”注重内在精神表现,不仅在餐厅的空间形象之中有所蕴含,更加是对“江上荟”品牌的诠释。描述了“楚文化”语境下的人文高档就餐文化的典范。 餐厅+文化艺术,让饮食成为结合环境、文化、体验、服务、美食于一体的沉境享受,我们希望顾客在享受美食的同时,也能品文化,观景致,体会在地化的独特口感与视觉感官。 |
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