



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Chen Yun Han
Designer Chen Yun Han, Tang Shi Ting, Huang Yu Shan, Lin Ztu Ting
Description(English) The teaching aids are shaped by the heads of four animals, and the appearance or function of the teeth is similar to that of humans. After the mouth part is torn open, the teeth can be painted dirty and brushed with a sponge toothbrush. Because the animals' dietary habits cause different dental care, so different game mechanisms are designed. Packaging for recycling, all products after use, can be turned into other storage boxes. In addition to the packaging, there are also picture books, websites and animations. Through the above product planning, children can learn about teeth and understand the steps of brushing and enjoy brushing.
Description(Native) 我們針對的年齡為6-9歲的孩童。刷牙是從小到大是需要養成的好習慣,是一件需要每天認真反覆操作的事,而這樣的過程對孩童來說是枯燥乏味且厭倦的,因此造成現在孩童蛀牙率直線上升。現在市面上的牙膏大多數以口味來吸引孩童,我們則設計趣味包裝引發孩童刷牙的動力。 我們選用了四種動物,牠們都各有一顆與人類的牙齒外型與功用相同的牙齒。為此我們設計了一套教具,教具以動物的頭做造型,嘴巴部分可以撕開,教具內附贈牙膏、護齒噴劑、海綿牙刷和兒童組裝手套。教具內的牙齒可讓家長使用水性筆做畫髒汙,使用海綿牙刷教導孩童正確刷牙,包裝撕開後蓋,可製作成手偶與孩童互動。由於各個動物的飲食習慣造成牙齒保健不同,利用這個特性我們設計出不同的遊戲機制,馬是草食系牙縫較大,教具將會附贈牙線,以供孩童練習使用牙線。貓是食肉性的牙齦保健較為重要,保健牙齦最重要的是定期去牙醫做檢查,教具內將附贈洗牙集點卡和印章,讓孩童準時去牙醫就能獲得一個印章的集點機制。猴子較為調皮,考慮的孩童喜歡扮演大人的特性,裡面附贈病例表,讓孩童幫動物做牙齒檢查。在以上都清潔程序都確實的執行後,熊教具內附贈鏡子,讓清潔完畢的孩童可以看見自己乾淨的牙齒。 包裝為了循環利用,所有產品使用完後,都可以變成其他收納盒。除了教具和包裝盒外還有繪本、網站和動畫,透過上述的產品規劃讓孩童認識牙齒與了解刷牙步驟也能喜歡刷牙。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments These teaching aids feature animal heads with teeth similar to humans, allowing children to paint and brush them with a sponge toothbrush. Designed to reflect different dietary habits, each animal has a unique game mechanism. The recyclable packaging transforms into storage boxes, and additional resources include picture books, websites, and animations. The judges appreciated the engaging and educational design, helping children learn and enjoy dental care.
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