

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Private Client Pte
Affiliation Chih Yi Chen Pte
Designer Chih Yi Chen
Description(English) The clinic has two floors with various rooms and an open entrance and counter with glass partitions. The designer used walnut wood and snake-patterned stone throughout the interior to create a warm and natural feeling, echoing the brand identity of "big tree". The COVID-19 pandemic inspired the creation of an outdoor waiting area and separate wards inside to prioritize social distancing and air circulation. The clinic aims to provide comforting care and a friendly medical environment, promoting the positive concept of prevention and health care to the local community.
Description(Native) 診所共有兩層樓,主要規劃候診區、櫃台、藥劑室、問診間、抽血及注射室、診療室等。設計師在極爲有限的時間和預算下,兼顧醫療機構的專業形象為前提,竭力打造貼合人心的診療空間。 內部牆面大量採用胡桃木,帶入溫潤質感。而多處蛇紋石材的桌面帶入自然質感,加上藤編質地的櫃台量體,呼應品牌識別「大樹」的意象,庇蔭守護民眾的健康。大門與櫃檯以開放式設計搭配玻璃隔間,迎入自然光,讓診間呈現溫暖、明亮的親切感。 因應新冠疫情,更重視社交距離及空氣流通,刻意將外部門面內縮,規劃戶外候診區。室內透過動線引導,確保病患和醫療人員可分艙分流。 透過材質、顏色、空間動線布局等等細節,有效縮短病患與醫護人員間的距離,體現友善的醫療環境,傳遞「以人為本」的溫度,給予撫慰人心的關懷力量。重新建構預防保健的積極概念,讓診所成為在地居民守護健康的好厝邊。
Website studioj.com.tw
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The clinic features two floors with glass partitions, walnut wood, and snake-patterned stone, creating a warm, natural ambiance. Inspired by COVID-19, it includes an outdoor waiting area and separate wards to enhance social distancing and air circulation. The design echoes the 'big tree' brand identity, aiming to provide comforting care and a friendly medical environment. The judges appreciated its focus on health, prevention, and community well-being.
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  1. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  2. Travel Garment Steamer

  3. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  4. Flash Card Reader

  5. CLIBO

  6. Poinf

  7. Sunset lounger

  8. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  9. iPICK

  10. Slient Straw

  11. An intoxicating cup

  12. Dstone

  13. Sensory Induction

  14. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  15. KNOB

  16. PLIP

  17. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  18. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  19. Altocumulus Light

  20. IBEX ST

  21. RhinoCare


  23. AirMAX

  24. Bubble Sterilizer

  25. A type of granules package with stirring stick

  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

  27. M TOOL

  28. EV Charger System

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