


Vast Luster

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Ruguo Interior Design
Designer Chen Cheng
Description(English) The designer adheres to the primary concept of creating a calm residence, thus adopting wood paneling to decorate aluminum window frames and beams, eliminating the visual weight of the structure. Curved shapes on the edge of the ceiling deliver a light and smooth interest. Besides, the sizeable format of beige mineral wall paint shapes a pristine image and contributes a comforting ambiance for the residents as soon as they return. In addition, adequate natural light coordinates with dimmable luminous ceilings and energy-sufficient LED lighting fixtures contribute to a healthy and power-saving residence.
Description(Native) 本案採用保留切痕、鑿面、礦物質感等天然痕跡的木石及手工漆,佐搭厚實溫潤的海島型木地坪、門把施作的仿鏽黑鐵,由視、觸兩種感官與居者互動,築起簡樸和暖的家宅,不僅呼應屋主身為醫師卻謙遜踏實的個性,更結合日光彰顯細處的精緻紋理,將業主講究細節的人格特質化為具體家宅麗景。思及男主人對家庭關係的重視,設計師劃設開放公領域,且藉由將內廚屏除門片、練琴處設於客廳窗畔,使居者們無論身處公區何處,皆可與彼此互動暢談,並以高度相異的家具區劃場域,豐富景深層次之餘降低各自活動時的干擾,另於公私領域交界設置實木雙扇門保障私區隱私,內部規劃的共用書房則成就一處敞亮場所,令熱愛閱讀的家人們共享書香時光。團隊於每件案子皆全力協助業主釐清自身需求、各建材屬性、乃至其回收對環境的影響程度,確保屋主能覓得理想材質,減少後續調整的可能,同時多採用少綴飾、一體成形的純天然素材,降低黏著劑使用率,此外,屋內活用採光良好的案場特色,配合可調明暗的流明天花、自LED發光效能精心挑選的各式燈具,成就環保節能的健康居所。客廳電視牆右側作書籍翻頁造型,淌入的自然柔光照映懸空的鑿面觀音山石平台,逸散原始自然氣息。公區以材質各異的地坪區劃場域,分別滿足兩側便於清潔打理、營造放鬆感受的需求,並於內廚旁設置中島輕食區,巧妙銜接至具鬆弛感的客餐廳,方便親友來訪時兼顧調理餐點和互動。開放式書房鋪設素淨沉穩的盤多摩地坪,利於使用者專注於書籍或事務中,此外,場域中央選用輕巧的圓角書桌,搭配天壁磁吸軌道燈、光照勻稱的光膜燈,打造明亮自適的閱讀空間。
Website www.ruguoid.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The designer focuses on creating a calm residence, using wood paneling to soften aluminum window frames and beams, reducing visual weight. Curved ceiling edges add a smooth, light touch. Beige mineral wall paint creates a pristine, comforting ambiance. Natural light, dimmable ceilings, and energy-efficient LED lighting ensure a healthy, power-saving home. The judges recognized the project's success in blending aesthetics with functionality to create a serene living space.
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