


JIA Garden

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Mountain Soil Interior Design
Designer TiantianDong
Description(English) In the fast-paced digital era, we are sensitive to the new trends, yet concurrently experiencing a delayed perception of the mundane.For a significant period, we regarded “the ground of the city covered with reinforced concrete and asphalt as a solidified and dead surface” .  The clear cracks in the ground and the appearance of non-artificially intervened natural life over time provided us with an answer on how to perceive both artificial construction and organic nature. By translating the inimitable nature into the project design, the designer extracted spatial forms from daily scenes in our life.
Description(Native) 在数位时代快节奏的生活中,我们有对新时代变化具备敏感度,但也时常会对日常周边景物感知迟钝。在项目设计前的很长一段时间内,我们时有会想象“城市的地面被钢筋混凝土和沥青所覆盖,可以说是一个被凝固、已经死亡的地面”。 如何感知人工建造和有机自然,随着时间推移地面出现清晰的裂缝以及非人工干预的自然生命体给了我回答。 思考生活化景观是山地土壤为项目寻找的一个突破口,将无法拷贝的自然进行设计翻译,对“日常生活地景“进行提取从而获得空间形态。 1F空间为葭园主入口,亦为“外园”,是整体空间序列的起始。俯览全景,围绕平面中轴以环形动线为主导,再经由侧方婉转小道拾级而上进入园内。 二楼的公共区域分别由三个空间层次组成,在平面布局上我们把人工与自然协作的地面裂缝作为整体空间的结构型特征,再由墙体降格将区域划分为“入园/游园/留园”三个版块。 入园:区域与一楼紧密相连,形成一个建筑与形式感的“对话空间”。利用平面悬挑形态的半圆弧向上延伸,再置入叠加展陈与收纳功能,入园的中心区块则由高位陈列为主导,是空间的中心聚焦点。 游园:二楼的中央版块,陈列台面的设计从地面“裂缝”里生长出来,形成视角高差的同时,也可适应大小高低不同的器皿摆放。地面材质使用了水洗石处理,我们用当代园林的鹅卵石作为设计参照,将户外材质转化至室内空间组成部分,形成园内园外模糊的界限。 留园:区域后期功能使用主要以大型艺术装置、线下容纳多人的艺术交流以及休憩对谈为主。我们围绕此生活方式将空间内的各项机能自由组合,打造出一个自由的互动空间。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments In the fast-paced digital era, we are sensitive to new trends, yet concurrently experiencing a delayed perception of the mundane. For a significant period, we regarded “the ground of the city covered with reinforced concrete and asphalt as a solidified and dead surface.” The clear cracks in the ground and the appearance of non-artificially intervened natural life over time provided us with an answer on how to perceive both artificial construction and organic nature. By translating the inimitable nature into the project design, the designer extracted spatial forms from daily scenes in our life. This innovative approach seamlessly integrates the artificial and the natural, creating a harmonious environment that resonates deeply with contemporary sensibilities. This unique vision and execution are what earned it the Grand Prize at the K-Design Award 2024.
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  2. WOM Wartime Emergency Midwifery Kit

  3. Slight Modular exhaust colostomy pouch

  4. Knock Knock

  5. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  6. Repairer

  7. Cleanset

  8. loading and transportation vehicle

  9. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  10. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  11. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  12. TinyCase

  13. CMF Sample Kit

  14. Equi CPR

  15. Field of Vision

  16. Roller

  17. Automatic cat litter box

  18. Klug Electric Kitchen Composter

  19. Butlr Anonymous Spatial Intelligence Platform

  20. Chemix

  21. TansluSphere

  22. cocoda chair

  23. PP Hive

  24. Ultra Light Pacifier

  25. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  26. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile

  27. MBD ASFA Spotter

  28. Hairdryer S1

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