

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation UCD and Vantree Design and Matter Design
Designer Muchuan Xu, Minxi Cai, Junjie Li, Guanbao Ye, Shangzhao Yang
Description(English) The design of the Metro Line 16 takes 'sunshine + home' as the main theme background. Each station design is not only achieving the core functional requirements but also combining the regional characteristics and cultural differences within. Each station is as unique as it can be but also operating under the same unity. This also reflects Shenzhen's beautiful vision of 'cohabitation, symbiosis and co-prosperity'. It is hoped that through the team's exploration and attempts, the project can representing the city's characters, historical context, and creative artistries.
Description(Native) 大运中心站周围毗邻香港中文大学(深圳),华中师范大学龙岗附属中学,大运中心等重点文体设施。结合大运中心独特的山水石结构形象,将其进一步演化生成晶体造型,晶体的多面造型结合材料自身的透光性,共同演绎大运中心站的主题概念——“金色阳光,晶耀大运”。 技术大学站周边科技院校林立,自然界创造科技,而科技进步改造自然规律。星空是自然生命的发生地,也是人们科学技术的起源,通过星际运动进行元素提取,以规律性的向心轨迹呈现灵动的空间曲线变化,实现主题“科技之美,皆源自然”。 百年浮沉,坪山的“深圳客”早已反客为主——“年深客地成吾地,日久他乡变故乡”,这里是深圳客家聚居区,是嵌于14号线与16号线相交处的“链上明珠”,车站装修提取“围屋当下 荷影青青 月池盈盈”的客家文化元素设计营造。致敬每一位在历史长河上居住与生活的新旧深圳人,感悟生活总向阳之美、奋斗之美。 双龙站是深圳地铁三号线与十六号线的换乘站,周边有众多历史文化建筑,基于拥有深厚人文底蕴,设计主题以“游龙栖榕,岁月画屏”融入现代交通枢纽空间造型,最大程度开发现有资源,带动城区活化及文旅发展。
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