

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation N1 Design
Designer Boggi Chan, Sam Chan
Description(English) This is a transformation of a single-story residential space, aiming to create a more intimate living environment for the homeowner and their pets. It adopts a semi-open layout combined with lifestyle concepts to enhance the intimacy between family members and pets. Meanwhile, dynamic techniques such as moving doors are used to make the functional areas more fluid, achieving a balance between privacy and openness. The design responds to the needs of the family through a humanized approach, successfully combining the concept with the lifestyle.
Description(Native) 本案为一幢平层住宅的空间改造。旨在为业主亲自以及其宠物打造更具亲密感的居住环境。采用半开放式布局,结合生活方式概念, 加强家人与宠物间的亲密感。同时采用动态门等手法使功能区流动化,实现隐私性与开放性的平衡。设计通过人情化手法呼应家庭需求,成功地实现了理念与生活方式的结合。 在空间视觉上,提升了业主对于居住空间全新的感知。通过注入半开放且包容的生活方式概念,让人在空间中更好地建立亲密连接,让家庭各成员增加了互动的活力和乐趣; 移步于开放会客厅,油然而生的自由感!会客厅的素雅之境,随着暮色将至,时空瞬间被转译;灯光、质感、空间层次逐一在漫延,在渗透。当会客厅被其他空间共享时,灵活多变的移动门诠释了对空间再划分,形成一个隐匿于会客厅休息间,空间被赋予充分的自由与包容。为多种会客与社交模式营造充分的条件! 设计师把猫屋置于整个空间中心区域,借用玻璃的材质的表达,渐渐于空间中使其隐匿而又能相对独立。其中把“间”与“间”的分隔与相连做了全新的诠释,能让猫屋成为各个空间的视线枢纽,被营造的空间既能提升人/宠物彼此的温度,更能把温度持续渗透;生活的理想剧本也由此展开,家中四口无论是位于会客厅、厨房、卧室、过廊都能产生视野互动,使其成为整个家的情感纽带! 主卧室的设计在视觉上与使用体验上都提升了空间感和通透性,整个空间以休息区为主体,以此来扩展主体空间,同时又提升了客体区域的功能性与舒适性。休息区与衣帽间通过两扇隐藏式移门的开与合使彼此相对独立又相互衔接。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Spiritual Home is the K-Design Award 2024 Gold Winner. This design transforms a single-story residential space to enhance intimacy between the homeowner and their pets. By combining a semi-open layout with lifestyle concepts, it strengthens family bonds. Dynamic elements like moving doors create fluid functional areas, balancing privacy and openness. The human-centric approach effectively meets the family's needs, successfully merging concept and lifestyle, earning it high praise.
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  1. OUTPOST cafe

  2. JIA Garden

  3. The Gravity Winery Project

  4. Storytelling care by theme garden and playground

  5. The WABI SABI house

  6. The Embodiment of a Masterpiece

  7. Ossuary Hall Prabha


  9. Original Texture

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  11. Lakeside one

  12. Redesign a Hakka Temple


  14. WOSA Sintered Stone Experiential Showroom

  15. Apartment RE

  16. Apartment CL

  17. Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel

  18. House of Reason


  20. Echos in Quiet Light

  21. Cafe Dobutsuen No Yoko

  22. Wooden Lookout

  23. Sumu Yakushima

  24. Mobile Bus Office

  25. Spiritual Home

  26. Ocean Immersion

  27. Aurora

  28. Wedge house

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