

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Hakka Public Communication Foundation
Affiliation The SELF Ltd.
Designer Weizhen ZHANG
Description(English) Huichang Temple is the main religious site for Hakka people. We extensively discusses with the temple operators. Without changing the routines and the traditional red color in a Hakka temple, we redesign and rearrange the tribute tables. There were long parallel metal tribute tables blocking foot traffic and architectural characteristics. While the courtyard introduces sufficient natural light to the interior, tributes get rotten quickly under direct sunlight. The team redesigns and rearranges the tables into circular shape to avoid direct sunlight and improve routes. Worshippers can now stand right in front of deities for their prayers.
Description(Native) 惠昌宮是竹東地區最主要的客家廟宇之一,此次的設計改造由設計團隊與廟方全程共同討論,在維持原本功能與維持傳統色彩的前提下,一起決定改造供桌形狀與排列方式,並增加展示與動線指標,讓惠昌宮成為微型博物館。 經歷四次修建的惠昌宮,廟裡的柱子非常多是它的特色。但白鐵長方形供桌的並排,讓整體參拜動線不易,也阻擋廟宇建築特色。正殿天井提供室內良好的採光,但日光直照供桌容易造成供品腐敗。團隊透過設計,將供桌改造成圓拱形,空出天井下方,既解決直射的問題,也讓動線更寬敞,把最好的空間留給信眾,讓信眾可以正對神明進行祭拜。 惠昌宮是個有細節的廟宇,但不易被注意,透過立體展架與指引系統的設置,引導觀看,讓廟宇可以自己說故事。除了硬體上的改造,團隊邀請在地孩子們來到廟宇,透過孩子們的觀點來解讀惠昌宮、守護竹東百工百業神明,發揮創意將惠昌宮神明介紹給更多人認識,讓惠昌宮成為可閱讀的微型博物館。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The redesign of Huichang Temple's tribute tables is commendable for enhancing both functionality and aesthetics while respecting traditional elements. By transforming long parallel tables into a circular arrangement, the design improves foot traffic, protects tributes from direct sunlight, and allows worshippers closer access to deities. This thoughtful and respectful innovation earned it the Gold Winner title, showcasing a perfect blend of tradition and modernity.
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  1. OUTPOST cafe

  2. JIA Garden

  3. The Gravity Winery Project

  4. Storytelling care by theme garden and playground

  5. The WABI SABI house

  6. The Embodiment of a Masterpiece

  7. Ossuary Hall Prabha


  9. Original Texture

  10. Thats good enough

  11. Lakeside one

  12. Redesign a Hakka Temple


  14. WOSA Sintered Stone Experiential Showroom

  15. Apartment RE

  16. Apartment CL

  17. Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel

  18. House of Reason


  20. Echos in Quiet Light

  21. Cafe Dobutsuen No Yoko

  22. Wooden Lookout

  23. Sumu Yakushima

  24. Mobile Bus Office

  25. Spiritual Home

  26. Ocean Immersion

  27. Aurora

  28. Wedge house

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