

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation Deco Farmer Studio Co., Ltd.
Designer Heiman Chan Hei Man
Description(English) As you step into the workspace from the interior design firm reception area,a black long island stand in the middle of the room stands out,lit with warm lights that create a cozy atmosphere.Going deeper into this area reveals an inspiring home theater section.Relax here and enjoy your favorite films while sipping on freshly brewed coffee; it will truly feel like your personal theater.On the other side of this long island lies a meeting room filled with natural light peeking through its glass tiles.A feature wooden screen adds depth to this space;by creating various patterns and textures, it serves as inspiration for more design ideas to come.
Description(Native) 設計源於生活,生活在於體驗。經過這間室內設計工作室的待客區再進入工作室,可以看到一張黑色長中島置於中央,溫和的燈光灑落在檯面上,表現出溫暖的質感。有時可以在此會客,有時亦可以與同事一起在此用餐,煩惱時亦可以在旁邊的茶水間沖一杯咖啡,然後在這裡稍微放鬆一下。走進茶水間後方,原來這是一個觀影區。休息時在此一邊觀看影片,一邊喝着剛沖好的咖啡,感覺就像身處在家庭影院,舒適又悠然自在。 走至中島的另一邊,水花紋玻璃磚築起一間會議室,光線從中透出,若隱若現。再走入一點,還有一道特色木屏風,豐富的造型為空間添上不同的光影效果。透過不同的格局和質感,各種各樣的設計想法隨之浮現,理想之家的模樣在心中也變得愈加明確。
Website www.decofarmerstudio.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design balances functionality and inspiration, creating a cozy atmosphere with warm lighting and a central black long island. The home theater and naturally lit meeting room with a feature wooden screen enhance depth and creativity. The judges appreciated its effective blend of practical use and aesthetic appeal.
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