

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation ZOI Design
Designer Chiang Ya Hsuan
Description(English) This case is a renovation of the old house, whose owner is a young couple. The overall space tonality takes the modern humanistic style favored by the owner as the trend, regards the stone material as the inspiration in design, and combines the natural texture of art paint to create the effect of imitation rock slab; natural stone with solid wood veneer material, to foster a simple and natural life appearance. In addition, due to the limited indoor space, through the simplicity and consistency of the overall shape, and the integration of storage function in the corner line, to make a spacious, enlarged sense of space.
Description(Native) 由於空間坪數小,及未來增加家庭成員的需求。將公領域作為生活重心,利用開放式的格局規劃,整併客廳與餐廚空間,提升家人互動頻率與凝聚情感的需求。收納機能活用空間轉彎的動線,集中在玄關到電視牆的立面上,讓空間尺度延伸、放大。 玄關右側安排鞋櫃與電子衣櫥,滿足鞋子換穿、外套收掛與衣物消毒的功能。左側壁面利用斑駁紋理的塗料呈現仿岩板效果,銜接不鏽鋼板材料,展現出漸層、粗獷的造型牆,同時隱藏電箱位子。電視牆兩側的結構柱,分別以木皮、石材包覆,左側以弧形修飾,結合隱藏燈條;右側石材則延伸展示區。 拆除隔間牆、形成開放式廚房,結合中島吧檯、整併餐桌,讓餐廚機能更顯完整。主臥床頭背牆以木紋搭配暈染的灰色藝術塗料,床頭大樑利用弧形線條修飾,形塑溫潤質地。 整體空間以自然元素為主,櫃體皆使用系統板材的綠建材,是可再利用的材料;塗料,則以環保訴求的乳膠漆為主,營造健康、自然、樂活的居所品質。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The renovation combines modern humanistic style and natural materials, using stone and solid wood veneer to create a simple, natural look. Efficient use of space and integrated storage enhance spaciousness, receiving commendation for its thoughtful design and functionality.
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