



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation DO ALL GOOD DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Description(English) Within the concept of "a moment," inspiration blossoms from the union of "the current moment" and "a seamless imprint," entwining form and meaning. Through a lens of focused simplicity, the essence of morphing takes center stage on a path of unbroken curves, crafting a captivating presence. As life's tableau unfolds, this ethereal glow remains a trace of memories, coalescing within the embrace of this singular "moment."
Description(Native) 在「一刻」的概念中,將”當下的時間”和”一道的刻痕”,作為形態與意涵的靈感來源。 透過焦點聚焦而簡化,將形態變化的核心放在直落的曲線軌跡上,從而塑造出一道引人注目的存在。當生活場域的活動展開,將能留下一道回憶,收束於這「一刻」之中。 此案為大樓單層住宅,空間面積90 平方米/㎡,坐落辦公商業區,目標設定為出租商業人士客群。 由大樓外觀的黑白色系延伸至室內整體的配色,達到由外而內的一致性,考量租客的性質為流動性高,並且帶有原家具的商務租客群為多數,本案將預留足夠的家具尺度空間給承租方使用。 屋主期望提供有別於商場上分秒必爭的態度,藉由空間漸透的光線及熟悉的家具,淬鍊出這一刻沉靜的時光。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design's ability to merge "the current moment" with "a seamless imprint" through unbroken curves creates a captivating and timeless presence. The judges recognized its elegant simplicity and fluid lines, effectively capturing memories and emotions in a singular moment. This outstanding piece truly embodies focused simplicity and artistic narrative.
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  1. The Yeonjegu Safe School Route project

  2. Izakaya 9am 5pm

  3. Past Present Future

  4. deca joins 2024 Heaven and Dirt Concert

  5. WarmerShoulder Stretchy Lightweight Warm

  6. White Space

  7. Villa A

  8. KEITI Calendar Discussing Sustainability

  9. IKKO

  10. Windsor 24K

  11. Floral Embrace

  12. Living in Solitude

  13. Grand Waterfront Hong Kong

  14. Flash Card Reader

  15. Cascading Shadows

  16. Tree Harmony Residence

  17. CLIBO

  18. ZIHMUJIN Korean BBQ

  19. The sunny spots of cat

  20. Yukkuri Hualien

  21. Sublime Serenity

  22. The World of Mime

  23. Stone Dialogue

  24. resident MY

  25. Enchanting Haven

  26. Mountain Peaks

  27. Emily in Paris

  28. Communication Kit hohoHome

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