


White Space

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation U ZI Design
Description(English) In an effort to break free from the modern-day norm of retreating to one’s own rooms upon returning home, we meticulously reconfigured and simplified the layout of private spaces. We transformed bedrooms into a tranquil sleeping sanctuary, allowing for the expansion of communal areas. Through an open floor plan that seamlessly connects the living room and dining area, we not only blur the lines between different zones but also create a spacious and comfortable multi-functional environment. No matter where the family members are within the shared area, this design allows them to enjoy precious family bonding moments.
Description(Native) 屋件整體採用潔白色調,外觀上削弱建物量體感,塑造輕盈效果,且以圓弧修飾圍牆轉角,令其自然融入周圍環境,室內則於結構規劃時安排充裕儲納場所,滿足收納需求之餘減少畸零角落,展現整齊潔淨畫面,輔以俐落線條及淺色軟裝點綴,將大片留白轉為無限延伸的畫布,讓空間或依光影景觀、或循居者生活型態展現自身氛圍,呈遞建築純粹自然之美。因應暗區較多的長型格局,此案於屋件中央設計一口天井,配合開放式公領域和調光簾、格柵、長虹玻璃等通透材質,使戶外天光可流淌場域各處,而大量落地窗也利於內部空氣循環,打造宜人的居家環境,同時將院中綠意引入屋內,予以住者隨四季更迭變化的藝景。考量本案位於地勢低窪處,我們抬高建築地基降低淹水可能性,並慮及巷弄內與鄰房距離較近,將玄關內推後利用庭院創造緩衝地帶,既顧及屋主一家隱私性,更構成一處向外開放的盎然綠地,供鄰居親友相聚暢談、拉近鄰里關係,此外,全屋選用具隔熱效果的低甲醛塗料,造就舒適無毒的環保家宅。外觀以純白漆料彰顯簡約現代感,和比鄰紅磚老厝相映成趣,另於通往大門的路徑旁栽種綠植,給予步入此處的人們沉澱舒緩的感受,形塑自外界返家的過渡區域。餐廚區中央設置一座木質立面的中島吧台,提供家庭成員備餐、享用輕食的空間,旁側規劃多處對外窗,令居者烹調、用餐時也可欣賞戶外綠化美景,營造放鬆自適氛圍。二樓起居室置入淺灰沙發搭配木質圓角茶几,呼應全室淡色基調,比鄰工作室則將書桌擺至落地窗畔,賦予使用者通風良好、光線充足的辦公場所。
Website www.uzidesigntw.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The innovative design of this project was highly appreciated by the judges for its ability to transform private spaces into communal areas, promoting family bonding. By creating an open floor plan that seamlessly connects the living and dining areas, it offers a spacious and multi-functional environment. This thoughtful approach encourages shared experiences, breaking the modern norm of isolated personal spaces.
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