

Extra Form
Country Hong Kong
Year 2017
Affiliation Artwill Interior Design House
Designer Kwok Wing Sum Regina
Description(English) As a traveler, the residence owner visits many oversea cities, with Paris being his favorite. In order to reflect his love, the design of the home revolves around the theme of France and the Eiffel Tower. The decorative wall in the living room utilities design elements that mirror the Eiffel Tower. The dark tones seen in the wallpaper create a metallic atmosphere and the diagonal lines remind one of the designs of the tower. The lights are also reminiscent of the fixtures that make the Eiffel Tower glow during the night. They are placed directly towards the walls and use their reflection to create a shine akin to that of stage lights.
Description(Native) As a traveler, the residence owner visits many oversea cities, with Paris being his favorite. In order to reflect his love, the design of the home revolves around the theme of France and the Eiffel Tower. The decorative wall in the living room utilities design elements that mirror the Eiffel Tower. The dark tones seen in the wallpaper create a metallic atmosphere and the diagonal lines remind one of the designs of the tower. The lights are also reminiscent of the fixtures that make the Eiffel Tower glow during the night. They are placed directly towards the walls and use their reflection to create a shine akin to that of stage lights.
Website www.artwill.com.hk
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  1. Inuo Mental Hospital

  2. Lights across the Tree

  3. Lotus Farm

  4. Lounge 18

  5. Metallic Ocean Myth

  6. Modern British Industrialism

  7. Soundrise Design Pavilion

  8. Soundrise Headquarter

  9. The Warm Concept

  10. Yao Jian Zhu

  11. Blizzard Cinema

  12. Extended lines


  14. Blue Wind

  15. Paris Composition

  16. The Delicacy Seen in Original

  17. The Masterpiece

  18. Unobstructed freedom

  19. Welcome and Illusion

  20. Transmission-Field tandem

  21. A campaign to educate and distribute ‘Yellow Card’

  22. Baird Oral Products Packaging

  23. CROCODILE LADY Rebranding Project

  24. Impactamin- vitamin package

  25. L.POINT PET MANIAC Advertising

  26. Mobile-tail Brand Identity

  27. PAYO

  28. Tor Manish Brand Design

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