


Sales Centre

Extra Form
Country Hong Kong
Year 2018
Client Centaline Property Ltd
Affiliation PLOTCREATIVE Interior Design Ltd
Designer OscarChan
Description(English) Centaline Sales Center is large property exhibition space inspire by Victoria Harbor’s Coastline in Hong Kong. Wooden color veneers arranged in wavy are applied at the upper part of the wall of reception. Exhibition hall ceiling is the focal point. Wave of coastline not only applied on the reception wall, it also can be found on the ceiling. Polished-mirror with several layers is used to perform the ceiling, together with several shades of grey color that evokes contour – allusion to Hong Kong’s lively topographical condition. Such design is totally an interpretation of Centaline’s territory.
Description(Native) 中原展銷中心,不但為香港區銷售樓盤提供展覽配套、展銷空間,透過香港作為中心的優勢,為中國、東南亞以至歐洲物業提供銷售服務,吸引投資者就物業投資提供優質的環境。其開放於中原最高端會藉,會址享有餐飲娛樂影視配置,設計中採用影音均屬頂級,為會展銷中心提供級的高端體驗。 會址空間設計概念圍繞著中原擴展方向-版圖。透過鳥瞰,其高山地型、湖泊鏡境成為中心的設計元素,配合產發展現代綠化都市,以提升生活質素。銷售中心入口以波浪做起點,大弧形木飾與牆身立體波浪交替,元素申延銷售中心內,天花演譯出版圖理念。高山地型,湖泊鏡境將反傳統地於天上呈現,不同深淺灰色代表著地型不同高度,湖鏡以鏡鋼物料演譯最好不過。 演講廳電視幕牆,為展覽提供頂級影視效果,同時牆身刻意以木線作為配襯,利用視覺效果專注於台上。白色展廳以直線彎形圖案於牆上裝置者,令訪客更專注於放置展廳上的各樓盤展示模型,同時作為多功能房間為專貴會員為活動會議之用。酒吧與餐飲空間將透過天花地形設計相連至演講廳,為整個空間帶來主題性。木條燈飾卡座帶來尊貴感,雲石以幾何切割合併與金鋼背牆圓放射圖案相䀗成趣
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  1. ST3

  2. U-dresser


  4. It’s you.


  6. Geometry

  7. Metaxas STATEMENT

  8. Reading Robot

  9. Rechargeable fan

  10. U40 Series

  11. ZEMA-508

  12. Essential Sculpture

  13. Fortress

  14. KEC TPE

  15. Live China

  16. Morrison

  17. No Boundaries

  18. Orchid Thai Spa

  19. original life

  20. Pandora

  21. Royal Lounge

  22. Sales Centre

  23. Single Apartment

  24. The charm of nature

  25. TT Apartment

  26. Yat-Sen

  27. Domini Veneti - wine

  28. Goutmet gift package

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