


Measuring faucet

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Country China
Year 2019
Client fennitu
Affiliation Shenzhen Yixiang Design Co.,Ltd.
Designer Guofeng Hu, Rui Liu, Huyi Dai, Zhenghua Hu
Description(English) We will encounter such a problem when we use the electric heating kettle to connect the purified water. Because the tap has a small amount of water and needs to be filled with water. In this case, we often choose to do other things. When we think of it, the water has overflowed for a long time and wasted a lot of water. Measuring faucet arises from this. If we need to wait for water or want to arrange time as a whole, as long as we turn the switch on the disc to a certain scale, the flow of water to a fixed amount will automatically stop, which brings us some convenience in life, and also plays a role in saving water.
Description(Native) 我们在用电热烧水壶接净化水的时候会遇到这样一个问题,因为水龙头出水量较小,接满水需要等待,这种情况下我们往往会选择去做其它事情,等想起来的时候水已经溢出来很久了,浪费了很多水。 计量水龙头由此而生,如果遇到接水需要等待或想统筹安排时间的时候,只要转动圆盘上的开关到一定的刻度,水流到固定的水量会自动停止,给我们的生活带来了一定的方便,也起到了节约用水的作用。 计量水龙头有两种开水方式:一种是常规方式,另一种是计量方式,两种方式相互独立,不能同时进行。 计量水龙头圆盘向左或向右转到合适刻度,水被打开,开始水量计算,同时圆盘跟随水量缓缓转动,转到“0”的位置,水自动关闭。 圆盘刻度依次为:500ml、1000ml、1500ml、2000ml,适用不同容量的水具。
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  14. Microflat X

  15. LE BLE D'OR

  16. Illusion

  17. Measuring faucet

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