

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Guangzhou Inteone home Tech Co., Ltd.
Designer chenjianliang, huangchubin, cenjianming
Description(English) Using the "corrugated noise reduction technology" developed for many years, the water ripple structure and the heat conduction module can effectively reduce the noise of boiling water. The decibel value during boiling is as low as 43 decibels (laboratory test results), which is almost the decibel of the sleeping environment. In the past, mute requires different degrees of sacrifice in power, but this product can use 1200W of power to boil a pot of water in only 4 minutes. The body of the pot is made of thick high borosilicate glass, which is transparent and bright, and the water level is directly visible.
Description(Native) 入一静音恒温水壶让烧水,回归本来的平静。 采用波纹消音技术,创新的波纹导热结构、配合高效能导热模块,有效降噪约20%,煮水快速又安静。低至43的沸腾分贝值,犹如轻声絮语,商务洽谈也不会被打扰。使用英国STRIX温控器,精准恒温,智能变频,无需反复煮水,杜绝千滚水。1-8小时可调,随时畅饮你想要的温度,13档调温,可在40°C-100°C区间内随意调节,±5°C为一档,满足不同冲饮需求。1200W快速沸腾,4分钟即可煮沸,免去长时间等待。细节设计贴心,L型人体工学手柄设计,线条优美,握持舒适,烧开即提不烫手仿鸽颈壶嘴设计,让倒水如涓滴般潺潺流出,一气呵成,利落断水。采用食品级304不锈钢和高硼硅玻璃壶身,防爆防裂,安全更安心。“既烧的快,也很安静,耐看”。 波纹消音技术,低噪煮水,在安静中沸腾。 1-8小时恒温,13档温度任选,随心冲泡钟爱茶饮。 4分钟即可快速煮好,精准控温,确保真实沸腾,品获黄金口感。
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