

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client ANTI Corp.
Affiliation STUDIOZ
Description(English) Based on Japanese space design elements, all the elements are organized in a specific order to reflect the regularity of circles and to create a Zen atmosphere and a visual focus in the space. By jettisoning the regular colors in our daily life and replacing them with grayscale materials, the space is turned into an object and the field a vehicle. The details accented by means of deconstructing the composition of the image create a special atmosphere for the field while bringing out the moving elements in the space.
Description(Native) 餐酒館空間,喧鬧的生活、忙碌的日子,所有的聲音都搶著佔有一席之地,透過了日式設計元素作為空間基底,藉由井然有序的序列式設計、擁有規律特性的正圓,營造寂靜禪意的氣氛也強化了空間中的視覺焦點。再將現實生活中的色彩抽離,以灰階材質的視覺感呈現,藉此化空間為客體、化場域為載體,重新解構畫面組成的細節,營造出場域的特殊氛圍,同時襯托出空間裡的活動元素。 最終,空間轉化為一部又一部的黑白電影,而場域內的人、事、物則成為每一部電影中的主角。人的行為與對話得到注視、內心的想法能展開交流,視線更能專注於手中的那杯酒,感受品牌想傳遞的精神與核心價值「專注於反轉既有框架且以叛逆為核心,創造屬於ANTI的生活風格」。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design effectively uses Japanese space design elements to create a Zen atmosphere and visual focus. The thoughtful use of grayscale materials and organized elements enhances spatial dynamics, earning high praise for its unique ambiance and aesthetic appeal.
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  3. Past Present Future

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  6. White Space

  7. Villa A

  8. KEITI Calendar Discussing Sustainability

  9. IKKO

  10. Windsor 24K

  11. Floral Embrace

  12. Living in Solitude

  13. Grand Waterfront Hong Kong

  14. Flash Card Reader

  15. Cascading Shadows

  16. Tree Harmony Residence

  17. CLIBO

  18. ZIHMUJIN Korean BBQ

  19. The sunny spots of cat

  20. Yukkuri Hualien

  21. Sublime Serenity

  22. The World of Mime

  23. Stone Dialogue

  24. resident MY

  25. Enchanting Haven

  26. Mountain Peaks

  27. Emily in Paris

  28. Communication Kit hohoHome

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