


Magnetic Go

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Country China
Year 2021
Designer ZhengweiZhang, JituoNa, ChengPan, LinlinHou
Description(English) Magnetic Go is a new kind of Go. It solves the relationship problem between the chess pieces and chessboard with simple magnetic force and special structure. Each piece of this product is a spherical magnet, divided into black and white, N and S poles. According to the principle of magnet homosexual repulsive and opposite-sex attraction, when the N and S on the tip of the magnetic pen are very close to the pieces in the groove, the magnetic poles of the corresponding color on the pieces will be attracted to move upward by the tip of the pen, and will be stuck on the surface of the chessboard.
Description(Native) 传统的围棋有很多弊端,棋子容易丢失,棋子不容易快速区分和收纳,稍有不慎就会打乱现有棋局。磁力围棋是一种新型的围棋,借助简单的磁力和特殊的结构方式巧妙的解决了以上棋子和棋盘的关系问题。此产品的每个棋子都是一个球形磁铁,分为黑白两色,分别为N极和S极。根据磁铁同性相斥、异性相吸的原理,当磁力笔尖上的N、S极靠近凹槽内部的棋子时,棋子上相应颜色的磁极会被笔尖吸引向上运动,卡位在棋盘表面,进而显现出黑色或白色的棋子。下棋结束后,使用者只需要将棋子下按,棋子便会向下掉落到凹槽中,达到收棋的目的。磁力围棋最大的特点就是棋子一直存储在棋盘内部的凹槽中,无需专门收纳。同时每一个棋子只能在自己的凹槽中上下运动,棋子之间不会发生交叉混乱,完美的解决了传统围棋的大部分问题。而且磁力围棋的棋子是从下向上的运动和呈现过程,与传统从上向下的摆放过程相反,会带给游戏者全新的体验和感受。
Website ZhengweiZhang
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  1. Bottle Uilization

  2. Poseidon

  3. Split into Two

  4. Magnetic Go

  5. Open-close Stretcher

  6. Rebirth

  7. Fire Escape Ladder

  8. Seek

  9. Reuse Children's Camera

  10. Split Forklift

  11. More and more complete

  12. Ship bottom-Cleaning guard

  13. Rescue Dog Assistant

  14. Energy pot cover

  15. Goliath Rescue Stent

  16. Dig Up the Ground

  17. Illuminate You

  18. Clever Hole

  19. Two in One

  20. Portable Track Detector

  21. A.N.T

  22. apron of paintbrush

  23. Changer

  24. Cushioning

  25. Easy Protection

  26. luggage assistant

  27. Snow Defender

  28. The time machine of hometown

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