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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation GID International Design
Designer Gary Zeng
Description(English) Designer Gary Zeng "dreaming of butterfly", completely liberates the romantic core between the wonderland of space and real life. The seemingly unrealistic art style makes people lose their way in the fantasy while creating one of the most iconic restaurants in the city. Fashion, trend, avantgarde, beauty, creativity... These key words focused on the thoughts of contemporary young people have opened up the designer's interpretation of space emotion. The designer wants to create a time-lapse dating that ignores the time axis for those who pursue romance, whether family, friends or partners.
Description(Native) 以赛亚·柏林在他的名著《浪漫主义的根源》中说:“浪漫主义是蛮荒的森林,是一个迷宫,唯一的向导是诗人的意志和情绪。” 设计师Gary曾建龙“庄周梦蝶”,在空间奇境与现实生活之间,用法式浪漫彻底解放浪漫主义内核,看似脱离现实的艺术方式,让人迷失奇幻国度,打造一座城市中最具标志性的餐厅之一。 时尚、潮流、前卫、美丽、创意······这些集中在当代年轻人思想中的关键词,开拓了设计师对于空间情感的阐述。浪漫存在于每个人的精神中,有时浪漫甚至可以超越生命。设计师想为追求浪漫的人,无论家人、朋友、伴侣,营造一场忽略时间轴的滚动,开启穿越时空的约会。 人们可以从细腻的“蝶恋”漫步到诗意的“花海”,也可以经由时尚现代的“凤舞”进入到生机漫野的“丛林”,与众不同的“奇遇”在每个空间里静候,期待为每位到访者留下独特的“印象”。
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