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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer Rejun Ko, Pinzhen Chen, Huixin Hu, Jiahuei Jheng, Qiaoyu Tsai
Description(English) My Dear After-Cancer Honeymoon Promotion Festival is an event design project that investigates the resumption of sexual life and communication between patients with cancer and their partners. This project cooperates with Hope Foundation for Cancer Care. Through the planning of various health education events and the use of information visualization design techniques, this project corrected the misconceptions about after-cancer sexual life and guided patients with cancer and their partners to use talking, listening to, understanding, and companionship to enhance each other's love, communication, and sexual life.
Description(Native) My Dear 癌後蜜月推廣節是一個探討罹癌病友與伴侶重拾性生活及兩性溝通的活動專案設計。本專案與臺灣癌症希望基金會合作,透過各種衛教活動的宣導企劃,並採用資訊視覺化的設計手法,導正罹癌後對性生活的錯誤迷思,並引導罹癌病友和伴侶之間能用以訴說、傾聽、理解及陪伴等方式,讓彼此的愛、溝通與性生活更加幸福。My Dear以表達親密之稱呼,而罹癌後伴侶之間可能因病情影響,逐漸失去過往的熱情,因此以蜜月作為活動概念發想,透過本計畫重拾過往的親密關係。性生活是讓人害羞的議題,罹癌之後更是難以開口,透過蘋果的意象,轉化群眾對親密關係所帶來的尷尬感及難以啟齒的不適感。以蘋果的紅色以表達臉紅的樣貌,並也利用禁果的概念,暗示伴侶間的性生活,另外蘋果在中文中具有平安的意思,我們希望並祝福病友及伴侶們能夠平安、和諧的生活。本活動提出『愛的親密互動─看看、抱抱、牽牽、親親、摸摸』五個秘訣,以癌症病友及伴侶的角度出發,提倡癌症患者與伴侶之間透過愛的互動來共同重視自己及另一半的健康,推廣癌後性生活與幸福之議題,以此延展話題性,計畫最終也希望讓一般民眾都能運用的愛的親密互動五秘訣,增進彼此的互動及關心健康,多愛自己也愛另一半。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The "My Dear After-Cancer Honeymoon Promotion Festival" stands out for addressing the sensitive topic of post-cancer sexual life and communication. By collaborating with the Hope Foundation for Cancer Care, it uses health education events and information visualization to dispel misconceptions and foster intimacy and understanding between patients and partners. This compassionate and educational approach earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its impactful and thoughtful design.
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  1. My Dear After Cancer Honeymoon Promotion Festival

  2. S.O.U.L Brand Identity Design

  3. Exchangeable Warmth

  4. The Cover Story_Manhole cover

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