

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation HTDLA
Designer Dragon Hugh, Ares Hsieh, Handly Chen
Description(English) We re-plan the configuration of the space full of living sundries to create a roomy feeling, smooth moving flow, and sufficient functional features. To carry on the idea of enlarging the space, we transform the interior patterns and scoop out an oval-shaped window in the partition wall to introduce brilliant natural light and the outdoor green scene. In addition, set up a curve turn of the walkway from the entry foyer to the kitchen-dining area, ingeniously soothe the missing mood of the proprietor to his deceased parents.
Description(Native) 面對原本盈滿生活雜物的處所,為使整體視覺動線寬敞流暢、室內可用空間更加充裕,我們重新規劃格局:陽台成為室內臥榻與工作區域,閒置的房間,則轉為多功能區,讓生活機能富有彈性。 延續放大空間的想法,除了改動格局,更在牆面鑿出圓窗,於方正的視野中加入柔性的圓弧曲線,曳引來自四面八方的光線、透露屋外的綠意,且藉由圓的包容性,溫柔懷抱業主對已故父母的牽掛;此外,自玄關進入餐廚區的動線,也特別設作弧形,透過行雲流水的流動感,讓思念的情緒,得以沖淡緩和。 交錯屋中的十字梁,以特殊塗料做最低度的修飾,呈裸接近原始的狀態;玄關處儲物櫃門片,選用油畫用畫布的粗糙面,讓煥然一新的空間內,保有老屋起初承載的歷史痕跡,以舊有的狀態、融入現下的新生景緻,塑造新舊共生的和諧畫面,陪伴屋主坐望過去、遙想將來。
Website htdla.myportfolio.com
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  1. Xiao Xiang Ma Tou

  2. Office Mumm


  4. PHOENIX 39 French Restaurant

  5. Fatface cafe

  6. Heritage of Light


  8. NICKTHEREAL REALIVE Concert Stage Design

  9. Human Haus TP

  10. Cavern

  11. Office OVERLAP

  12. TRACE


  14. Enchanting Snowflakes Christmas Installation

  15. Mine Shade

  16. Gathered Pieces

  17. Made Lim

  18. Mancave

  19. Magma Hot Pot

  20. MaruMaru Lash

  21. Immersion in light and shadow

  22. Just Right

  23. Feastia

  24. CXN

  25. Silver Snow in the Afternoon

  26. Refulgent Grandeur

  27. Winding Reminiscence

  28. Renovation of Miaojia Village Happiness Square

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