

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Dayi Design
Designer Zhou Yi
Description(English) Spatial pattern, also uphold the "natural to carve" strategy. In the face of more heavy columns, there is no deliberate weakening or modification, but retain its original appearance, with glass as the partition, the cement heavy feeling column is summarized as a part of the stairwell. The use of glass not only physically divides the space, but also visually maintains the linkage between the Spaces and enhances the overall sense of transparency. In addition, viewed through the glass, it is a hint of a sense of ritual, giving the heavy column a special sense of meaning.
Description(Native) 设计团队的初衷便是希望在此空间能感受到冬日夏云般亲近舒展,鼓励设计师寻找澄怀味象的工作状态,追求和光同尘的人生哲学。空间格局上,同样秉持“天然去雕饰”策略。面对较多的沉重柱,没有刻意弱化或修饰,而是保留其原始面貌,以玻璃作区隔,将水泥沉重感柱归纳为楼梯间的一部分。玻璃的使用在对空间进行物理划分的同时,在视觉上保持了空间之间的联动,也增强整体的通透感。另外,透过玻璃观看,是一种仪式感的暗示,赋予沉重柱特殊的意义感。保留沉重柱的原貌,不仅表达了对建筑本身力学结构的尊重,也使整个空间增添了一种贯穿支撑的生命力。让沉重柱作为沉重柱的存在而存在,难道不是对现代建筑工业最诚恳的致敬? 这是一个为设计师打造的工作空间,如果非要给这个空间冠以某种意象的话,我希望它像一座小小的塔。在这里,天然质朴、简单通透的空间氛围体现的是返璞归真的初心;原始沉重柱的贯穿支撑、空间布局的纵向延伸,传递着坚定且升腾的力量。设计,何尝不是一种信仰。希望奔走在职业理想道路上的同伴,在这里既可以埋头伏案,亦不忘举头向前,“透过艰辛,仰望神明”。
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