

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation DaDa Group Ltd.
Designer Helena Chiu, Karen Lam, Anneliese Hui, Samuel Liu
Description(English) The gift is presented in the signature black color with gold accents. The logo is surrounded by a gold scatter pattern on an oval-shaped carrier, resembling a sparkling eye. The silk mounted on the carrier with a leather handle enhances the luxurious feel of the gift. A lacquer keepsake box inside adorned with a floating crystal badge, highlighting the logo and symbolizing the shimmering eye cream. The sense of luxury continues upon opening the lid, where a soft-touch texture card with the key message serves as a means of brand communication. The design conveys the brand's characteristic premium codes while encouraging the reuse of the box.
Description(Native) 特別為品牌設計的限定禮物以其皇牌“繃帶”系列的黑色主色加上金色作點綴,帶出高貴的格調。欖形手挽盒的形狀及上面的燙金散射圖案,恰似一顆閃亮的眼睛。物料選用黑色仿絲布料配合真皮手挽帶,進一步提升了禮物的奢華感。手挽盒內藏一個精美的漆面木制盒。蓋子鑲嵌著水晶徽章,晃動時水晶散發閃爍的光芒,既突出了品牌的商標,也象徵著眼霜使用後,肌膚變得年輕而且明眸再現。打開蓋子,放著一張特別觸感的卡片,上面印有產品的宣傳信息及傳遞品牌的形象。盒子內部採用優質黑色絨布包裹,延續禮物的奢華感並且完美地襯托眼霜及其按摩器。 產品的整體設計有效地傳達了品牌特有的優雅氣質,同時鼓勵客人保留及使用這盒子,以達至可持續性的包裝設計原則。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This gift design is praised for its luxurious presentation, featuring a black and gold color scheme. The oval-shaped carrier, resembling a sparkling eye, and the silk with a leather handle enhance its opulence. Inside, a lacquer keepsake box with a floating crystal badge highlights the logo, symbolizing the shimmering eye cream. The design also includes a soft-touch texture card with a key message, promoting brand communication and encouraging box reuse. This elegant and thoughtful design earned it the Winner title.
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