


Taigong Wang

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Hunan University of Technology
Designer Guangliang Chen, Xin Huang, Jiaqi Lai, Mengxue Wu
Description(English) The design is inspired by the story of Jiang Taigong, a fishing volunteer, who takes the bait. Wearing a raincoat and a straw hat, he sits alone in the river fishing. Jiang Taigong was an ancient Chinese literati, who had an inseparable connection with wine since ancient times. The name "Tai Gong Wang" comes from the story of "Jiang Tai Gong Encounters King Wen", in which King Wen of Zhou respects and admires Jiang Tai Gong, and also expresses the respect of the diner towards the guests; It also expresses the expectations of the diners for win-win cooperation and sharing of a prosperous era.
Description(Native) 太公望酒包装设计别出心裁,灵感源自于中国古代传奇故事《姜太公钓鱼 愿者上钩》,将姜太公独坐江中垂钓的场景栩栩如生地展现在了酒瓶上。想象一下,酒瓶外形如同姜太公身披蓑衣、头戴草帽的形象,仿佛是一位古代文人在江边静静垂钓的景象,给人一种超脱尘世的感觉。这种设计不仅是对传统文化的致敬,也展现了对酒文化的深刻理解和热爱。 中国自古以来,文人与酒就有着密不可分的联系。酒作为一种文化载体,不仅是一种饮料,更是一种情感的表达和交流方式。太公望酒包装正是将这种文人情怀融入到了设计之中。整体色调采用了山水墨画的感觉,深沉典雅,寓意着岁月的沉淀和文化的积淀。这种设计不仅仅是为了吸引消费者的眼球,更是希望通过酒的包装传达一种文化理念和情感共鸣。 太公望这一名称的来源,更是与中国古代文化传承息息相关。它源自于《姜太公遇文王》的故事,这个故事与酒文化有着密切的联系。周文王对姜太公的尊重与敬仰,恰如中国古代酒宴上贵宾对待重要客人的礼遇,表达了一种礼贤下士的风范。而姜太公作为谋臣帮助周文王开创盛世局面,则象征着共饮共享盛世的期望和对合作共赢的向往,与中国人对酒文化的传承与理解不谋而合。 综合而言,太公望酒包装的设计不仅仅是为了打造一个吸引人眼球的产品,更是通过对传统文化的再现和对酒文化的理解,传递出一种文化情怀和历史底蕴。它不仅是一款酒,更是一种文化的传承和一段历史的记忆,将古代传奇故事与现代生活巧妙地结合在一起,为人们带来了一场文化与美味的盛宴。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design draws inspiration from Jiang Taigong's story, symbolizing patience and respect. The raincoat and straw hat motifs, along with the name "Tai Gong Wang," evoke cultural heritage and honor. Judges appreciated the thoughtful integration of historical narrative with contemporary dining experiences, creating a unique and culturally rich ambiance.
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