



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Beijing Institute of Technology
Designer Xiaoyan Zhu, Yueyi Wang, Zhaohan Wang, Haolan Li, Xuelin Ding
Description(English) YoGarden is an efficiency improvement app that takes into account emotional care. Multithreading tasks have become the norm in life and work. When users need to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, they are prone to anxiety, irritability, and even work mistakes. YoGarden allows users to obtain personalized patterns that depict their mood and efficiency through recording and presetting schedules. At the same time, users' data records will provide feedback to the system, gradually training an intelligent scheduling system that best fits the user's personal state, helping users find the most suitable work rhythm.
Description(Native) YoGarden不仅仅是一个普通的效率提升应用,它在关注工作生产力的同时,也兼顾了用户的情绪健康。在当今社会,多任务并行处理已经成为了我们日常生活和工作的一部分。面对高强度的任务负荷,用户很容易感到焦虑、烦躁,甚至因此在工作中出现失误。这不仅影响效率,更对心理健康造成潜在威胁。 此时,YoGarden应运而生,它通过一个直观而有趣的方式来减轻用户的心理压力——个性化图案。用户可以在应用中记录日常的情绪波动和工作进度,这些数据将被转化为独特的图案,反映出用户的心情和效率。而这些记录不仅提供了心情上的抒发,它们还将反馈给YoGarden的智能系统,帮助应用更好地理解每个用户的个性化需求。 通过不断的数据收集和分析,YoGarden将逐渐培养出一个最优的、贴合用户个人状态的日程推荐系统。这个系统能够帮助用户在繁重的工作中找到最佳的工作与休息平衡点,寻找到个人的最佳工作节奏,旨在提升工作效率的同时,保持情绪的稳定和健康。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments YoGarden is recognized for enhancing efficiency while addressing emotional well-being. Judges appreciated its ability to personalize schedules, reduce anxiety, and improve task management through intelligent feedback and mood-based patterns. This innovative approach promotes a balanced and productive work environment.
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  1. SunBreeze


  3. Lake Silver

  4. Cohesion

  5. Slow Garden

  6. Moon Baking Studio

  7. The Yeonjegu Safe School Route project

  8. Izakaya 9am 5pm

  9. Past Present Future

  10. deca joins 2024 Heaven and Dirt Concert

  11. White Space

  12. Villa A

  13. IKKO

  14. Windsor 24K

  15. Floral Embrace

  16. Living in Solitude

  17. Grand Waterfront Hong Kong

  18. Cascading Shadows

  19. Tree Harmony Residence

  20. The sunny spots of cat

  21. Yukkuri Hualien

  22. Sublime Serenity

  23. The World of Mime

  24. Stone Dialogue

  25. resident MY

  26. Enchanting Haven

  27. Mountain Peaks

  28. Emily in Paris

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