



Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2024
Affiliation hansung university Department of ICT Convergence Design
Designer Yeonseo Cho, Chanhee Seo, Yuri Park, Chaeyoung Jeon, Doyoung Kim
Description(English) [Main Features] 1. Health Management - Daily health recording - Medication reminder - Weekly health report 2. Family Communication - Real-time chat - Online community - Family album 3. Location and Safety - GPS-based real-time location info - Caregiver call - Medical info and alerts The symbol mark embodies the 'd' from 'Today' and a thumbs-up gesture, reflecting friendliness and intuitiveness. 'HayD' has an intuitive and flat design, making it easy for the elderly to use. It addresses elderly health management and family communication, crucial in a super-aged society. Look forward to a better tomorrow with HayD!
Description(Native) [주요 기능] 1. 건강 관리 - 일일 건강 상태 자동 기록 - 약 복용 알림 제공 - 주간 건강 리포트 생성 2. 가족 커뮤니케이션 - 실시간 채팅 - 온라인 커뮤니티 제공 - 가족 추억 앨범 기능 3. 위치 정보 및 안전 관리 - GPS기반 실시간 위치 정보 제공 - 요양보호사 호출 기능 - 위험 상황 시 의료 정보 관리 및 알림 심볼마크는 'Today'의 'd'와 엄지손가락 제스처를 형상화하여 친근함과 직관성을 담았습니다. '헤이디'는 직관적이고 플랫한 디자인으로, 기술에 익숙하지 않은 노인층도 쉽게 이용할 수 있습니다. 노인 건강 관리와 가족 간 소통 문제를 해결하는 종합 솔루션으로, 초고령화 사회에서 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다. 헤이디와 함께하는 더 나은 내일을 기대하세요!
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The K-Design Award 2024 winner, "HayD," was highly rated for its user-friendly design and comprehensive features tailored to elderly needs. It simplifies health management, family communication, and safety, addressing crucial aspects in a super-aged society. With "HayD," experience a blend of intuitive design and essential functionalities, enhancing the quality of life for seniors and their families.
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  1. SunBreeze


  3. Lake Silver

  4. Cohesion

  5. Slow Garden

  6. Moon Baking Studio

  7. The Yeonjegu Safe School Route project

  8. Izakaya 9am 5pm

  9. Past Present Future

  10. deca joins 2024 Heaven and Dirt Concert

  11. White Space

  12. Villa A

  13. IKKO

  14. Windsor 24K

  15. Floral Embrace

  16. Living in Solitude

  17. Grand Waterfront Hong Kong

  18. Cascading Shadows

  19. Tree Harmony Residence

  20. The sunny spots of cat

  21. Yukkuri Hualien

  22. Sublime Serenity

  23. The World of Mime

  24. Stone Dialogue

  25. resident MY

  26. Enchanting Haven

  27. Mountain Peaks

  28. Emily in Paris

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