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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Designer Jack Huang
Description(English) We boldly recommended the homeowner set the supercar's craftsmanship as the project's central concept, and he was thrilled and looking forward to the outcome. It was a challenge to interpret the craftsmanship in the interior design manners, revealing a fresh new striking visual impact in congruence. Then, we learned about the supercars' lines and cuts, comfortable and grand design, and texture. As a result, the project attained an aesthetic appeal of power and craftsmanship. We name the project "Lift Off, Fly Higher," which signifies a blessing to spread your wings and fly.
Description(Native) 我們大膽地建議屋主,以超跑的工藝精神,作爲本案的設計概念主軸,而他也為此感到興奮與期待。其中最困難的部分,是如何將此精神,轉化爲室內設計語言,既有全新的視覺衝擊,卻又不至於感到違和。因此我們觀察到,超跑的線條連貫與切割、舒適而不失大氣的材質配色,由此定調動力與工藝的傳動美學。 當初屋主購置此建案時,便是因為它的格局本身,已相當貼近其空間需求,所以我們並沒有去做太大變動,主要以強化使用機能為主旨,盡可能地去極大化,針對大量鞋物收納、精品收藏與臥室情境氛圍做規劃。以線條、材質的變化,包藏儲物功能,將有形線構隱於無形,倏然成為一道立面端景,美型與機能兼具。 在超跑工藝的設計範疇內,不免會察覺其連貫的線條與分割,及金屬塊體間的堆砌等,如雕塑藝品般的流線外型,附於空氣力學之上的機能美學。因此我們以金屬質感灰為介質基調,偕以區域性的溫潤木質,來平衡空間中的氣場與質調。 在設定上亦轉化為室內可落實且有益於人文、環境的材質,如取之自然的天然石材、甲醛含量較低的生態板、屬環保綠建材的波隆編織地毯,及不含苯類及重金屬並符合歐盟RoHS標準的仿鍍鈦漆等,希望在形體之外,也能兼顧環保永續,居者住的健康且安心。
Website www.eshare-id.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This project received high marks for integrating supercar craftsmanship into interior design, achieving a striking visual impact. By interpreting supercar lines, cuts, and textures, it attained an aesthetic of power and craftsmanship. The project, named "Lift Off, Fly Higher," signifies a blessing to spread wings and fly.
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  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

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  20. Light with color

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  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

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