

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation KIWII DESIGN
Designer Ryan Chang
Description(English) The project comprises an exclusively private nook, abundant storage spaces, and inviting natural light with refreshing ventilation. We arranged an exclusive reading nook in the back of the sofa to provide the homeowner a feeling of safe staying in an enclosed corner. In the private cubicle, they can isolate themselves from the world while looking out of the bay window, just like back to the tree house in childhood. It is a unique relaxing zone out from hectic work and daily life. Expressing the image of “Cave Residence,” the wood tone and green paint are applied to the entire project to reveal a healing flair to Nordic freshness.
Description(Native) 由於業主相當喜愛身處角落的隱密性與安全感,客廳沙發後方規劃一處其專屬的「閱讀洞穴區」,打造包廂式的個人座位,搭配一面可以眺望遠方美景的飄窗,彷彿於大城市中遺世獨立,又像是回到童年的秘密基地樹屋,讓人在繁忙的工作與家庭生活中,享有獨處放鬆的私人空間。配合「穴居」的自然意象,全屋建材以木質調和綠色漆面為主,呈現清新休閒的北歐風,充分治癒在外奔波的身心。秉持減少裝修廢棄物的想法,建案大部分的硬裝皆予以保留,僅在格局配置上將預設的客廳位置內移,於玄關前方增設一間臥房,解決「穿堂煞」的風水疑慮,並使公領域集中於場域中央,拉近親子的互動距離和便利性,也為原本被房間包圍的餐廳帶來良好的空氣對流和採光,讓業主相當重視的用餐、談天時光能擁有明亮開闊的感受。天花板設計些許層板與方塊造型,呈現猶如立體積木堆疊般的趣味層次,巧妙修飾建物原有的橫梁,其間配上燈帶,串連起玄關、客廳與餐廳三區,達到指引方向的效果;空間中大量的收納櫃體,也部分設有間接照明,配合櫃體樣式與木質、玻璃、系統板等異材質拼接,達到展示收藏或儲備家庭用品的功用。
Website www.facebook.com/KIWII.SPACE
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This project is highly rated for its design featuring a private nook, abundant storage, and natural light with refreshing ventilation. The exclusive reading nook behind the sofa creates a safe, enclosed corner reminiscent of a childhood tree house. The wood tone and green paint evoke a healing Nordic freshness. This thoughtful design earned it the Winner title.
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