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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Yuan Architects Lore Design and Construction Co., Ltd.
Designer Wen Yuan Peng, Louisa Lu, Ming Hung Wang, You Jia Zheng, Xiao Jung Huang
Description(English) This traditional Taiwanese-style building breaks from typical renovated houses. Inspired by local geography, it incorporates the flowing water and curved shoreline into its design. The interior blends natural materials like wood and stone with warm tones and delicate lighting, creating a spacious, immersive environment. The design guides sightlines and movement fluidly, connecting different functional spaces seamlessly. Large windows invite natural light, blurring the boundaries between indoors and outdoors. This creates a harmonious space for relaxation and socializing, embodying the beauty and tranquility of nature.
Description(Native) 融合好山好水的隱世空間,從外院到戲水泳池畔,動線的節奏感,一路自戶外引人入室。室內上下樓層以不同的深淺色比例融合立體的流暢弧形元素,跳脫方正格局的配置,讓視線如水流般蔓延,透過細膩的比例及燈光配置,以巧奪天工的營造工藝,將空間尺度與視覺體感極大化。透過空間,復刻早期開墾先民搭船而來時,發現此地海岸水流交錯澎湃的壯闊與美麗,也傳遞那份驚艷與感動。 室內建築的動線與視線,師法大自然天地山川的情境與線條,並呼應空間使用者的生命歷程與心境。目光伴隨空氣與日光自然流動,收放進退恰如其分,以剛剛好的穿透,連接彼此獨立、多元的機能性空間。不論是吧台與開放式廚房,甚至閱聽音樂與藝術典藏空間,在自然的木石元素和大地色調之中,自在地安頓身、心、靈。 改建後的樂齡宅,提供空間使用者一處隱世安享清幽,偶爾呼朋引伴同樂的生活空間。透過大片落地窗引入敞亮日照,與大自然相擁相連。細膩的動線與隔間設計,宛若渾然天成的水流與山脈,悄悄地隱形了建築內外的界線。藉著光的穿針引線,凸顯空間的軸線與層次,讓感官隨著自然流暢的層層端景自由翱翔。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This traditional Taiwanese-style building stands out for its innovative design inspired by local geography. By integrating flowing water and curved shoreline elements, it seamlessly blends natural materials with warm tones and delicate lighting. Large windows and fluid sightlines create a harmonious, immersive space that connects indoors and outdoors. This exceptional fusion of nature and design earned it the Winner title, celebrating its unique and tranquil aesthetic.
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  1. Forest


  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

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  9. Moonlit Vista

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  11. Beneath the Sun and Moon

  12. Mountain Impression

  13. Dancing Ribbon

  14. Champion Wine Cave

  15. Lounge Heeum

  16. The Memory of Dream

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  18. Cafe Mersey

  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

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  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

  27. IDTECH

  28. Streamlight Residence

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