


Moon Cake Box

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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation GuangxiPolytechnic Vocational Technical School
Designer Jia Wenyuan
Description(English) The box breaks the traditional shape and structure in design, and the edges of the box are made into eight equilateral lengths, and after unfolding, the box is a plane like a flower. Folded up, it's a three-dimensional box. The facade‘s hollowed out for light transmission. The bottom tray is divided into two layers and is fixed by buckles. The upper support box is drawn out and the box is hollow. Both that out box and the inner box can be use independently, the outer box can be used as a lantern or an atmosphere light box after bee internally polished, the inner box can contain articles.
Description(Native) 作品为一款包装盒,可以装食品、饰品、休闲娱乐,也可以做收纳,材质不限。 此款包装盒,打破了传统的造型及结构,采用八角元素,将周围的边做成8个等边长。展开后是一个张平面,像盛开的花儿一样,折起来则是立体形态的盒子。8个立面分别有镂空图案,可透光。底部托盘做托,分别用8个扣子将其与盒筒固定开合,托盘上可放置物品,托盘共2层,上层容量大。该抽出上层托盒,盒子则为中空,外盒及内盒均可单独使用,外盒在内部打光后,可做灯笼或气氛灯箱,增加产品自身的趣味性,内盒可收纳物品。 此包装盒则是为了能够将其建筑楼台和功用特点结合而设计的月饼包装盒、饰品包装盒、餐食打包盒、珠宝收纳盒等各种功用的文创包装盒。 本产品美观、实用,有创新。可以一物多用,解决了包装产品使用功能单一的问题。
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