


Bamboo Slips Liquor

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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Qianying Niu
Designer Qianying Niu
Description(English) The Bamboo Slips Liquor connects history, ancient Chinese calligraphy, sustainable material, and zen culture together. This design centers around “Zen,” using black as the main product color to emphasize purity and profoundness. The package uses bamboo slips as material. Opening the liquor package is like opening a bamboo slip in ancient China. Inside the package is a Chinese poem, “The Decree of Wine,” which is carved on bamboo slips. The design blends the cultural reading experience with the purity and excellence of the liquor together, uncovering the rich story which blossoms at every sip of the liquor.
Description(Native) 这款竹简酒的包装设计旨在将文化的阅读体验与白酒的纯净卓越融合在一起。以竹简作为酒瓶的材质,犹如打开中国古代竹简,内置一首《行酒令》诗歌,于竹简上雕刻,呈现出一种古朴和典雅的感觉。这种包装方式不仅让产品更加特别和具有收藏价值,也让消费者在品尝酒的同时,能够欣赏到一种文化的体验。 此外,竹简酒的设计还突出了可持续性这个当代社会所关注的议题。所有材料均可持续且可重复利用,解决了白酒行业普遍存在的回收困难。通过选择可持续的材料和设计方法,这个设计展现了对环境和社会的责任和关注。 竹简酒的设计充分展现了中国传统文化和现代可持续性发展的融合。这种包装方式和设计思想不仅为产品带来了独特的美学价值,同时也呈现出中国文化的深度和内涵。此外,竹简酒的设计还展现了一种可持续性的发展模式,让人们重新思考如何保护环境和社会。
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