

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation QIN LUO
Designer QIN LUO
Description(English) Jishidao herbal tea is a unique drink in China. It was formed during the Qing Dynasty. In the font design, the list of books on the plaque of shop plaques in the Qing Dynasty, so that the product brought the attributes of the old name. There is the habit of reading the calendar. In the visual design of this product, the front of the bottle is designed as the form of a calendar, and the festival limited model is launched in combination with each important festival. The form of the form, combined with the name of "Ji Shi to" to the hollow design, is mainly red in color, with gold and beige to make the product more festive.
Description(Native) 吉时到凉茶是中国市场上的一款茶饮类饮品,向消费者传递吉祥文化是吉时到凉茶企业的根本任务之一;因此,吉时到作为东方国度所独有的一款饮品,成形于清朝时期,本身具备一定的历史底蕴,在字体设计采用了清朝时期店铺牌匾上的榜书字体,让产品自带了老字号的属性;从古至今,中国人都比较注重黄道吉日,有翻阅日历的习惯,所以,在这款产品的视觉设计上,我们将瓶子正面设计成日历的形式,再结合一年当中每个重要节日推出节日限定款,对产品进行文化赋能,而传统节日文化是每个中国消费者所共识的文化,让产品同质化的时代进行圈层营销,从而成功出圈。瓶背的设计则是将产品的原料通过插图的形式呈现,插图上再结合“吉时到”品名进行镂空设计,色彩上以红色为主,搭配金色与米色,让产品更加喜庆,更能体现吉祥的寓意。
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