



Extra Form
Country United Kingdom
Year 2024
Affiliation Loughborough University
Designer Yue Wang
Description(English) AromaMemo is a two-part product that captures and relives cherished moments through the evocative power of scent. The first component, a scent camera, captures your experiences by linking them with distinct aromas. The second, a memory device, enhances reminiscence by employing scents along with multimedia elements. This innovative design uses scent as the primary medium, offering a unique and enchanting way to preserve and relive your best memories. Reviving experiences with an intensity that surpasses visual or auditory memories. Experience your precious moments anew with unparalleled vividness through this novel sensory journey.
Description(Native) AromaMemo是一款革命性的感官产品,它通过独特的气味来帮助人们捕捉与再现记忆,重新定义了我们记录和回味生活中最宝贵时刻的方式。此产品分为两个互补的部分:气味相机和记忆唤醒站,共同作用于激活和增强个人记忆的多维感官体验。 气味相机是AromaMemo的核心部件,它能够在您旅行到不同城市,或是经历特定事件时,将那一刻的独特气味与记忆建立。根据调发现每个城市都具有独特的气味,这种气味由自然景观,食物或其他任何具象化的气味组成,而该产品就是利用这一特征将人们的记忆与城市的特殊气味相结合。这样,每个气味都成为了一种与记忆绑定的象征,随时准备被再次唤醒。 记忆站则提供了一个多感官的回忆平台,结合了氛围灯光、声音效果、图像投影和气味释放,营造出一个沉浸式的回忆环境。无论是在家中的任何角落,用户都可以通过记忆站,重新体验那些被气味相机捕捉的瞬间,如同时光倒流,感受当时的情感与环境。 从设计角度来看,AromaMemo采用了简约而现代的风格,主色调为灰色和黑色,配以情感丰富的紫色作为点缀,不仅美观而且能够和各种家居环境自然融合。在材料选择上,使用了柔软的帆布和具有质感的斑点材质,确保了设备既美观又实用。 AromaMemo不仅是一个产品,更是一种全新的记录和体验生活的方式,它通过气味强化记忆,为用户带来前所未有的深度和丰富性。此设计不仅展示了创新技术和美学的结合,也提供了一种全新的方式来珍视和回味人生中的每一个不可复制的瞬间。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments AromaMemo excels by using scent to capture and relive cherished moments. Combining a scent camera with a memory device that integrates multimedia elements, it offers a unique and immersive way to preserve memories. This innovative design provides an enchanting sensory journey, making it a notable achievement in concept design.
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  1. Forest


  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

  8. Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex

  9. Moonlit Vista

  10. A House of Taking Time Off

  11. Beneath the Sun and Moon

  12. Mountain Impression

  13. Dancing Ribbon

  14. Champion Wine Cave

  15. Lounge Heeum

  16. The Memory of Dream

  17. The Bloomsway Hong Kong

  18. Cafe Mersey

  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

  21. Clean Slate

  22. Mist Cloaked Cave Residence

  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

  27. IDTECH

  28. Streamlight Residence

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