Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2021 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Existence Design Co., Ltd. |
Designer | YU TING HUANG |
Description(English) | Follow the taste in memories. Returning home in heart. Extract the meaning of brand name, “Wan” and “Cha”. “Wan” (curved) indicates walking along the tortuous path of tea mountain, and represent the operator setting out on a journey seeking good tastes. “Cha” (tea) is regarded by the operator as a crucial icon that fills up his daily life. Begin with the footstep of starting journey, combining tea with the shape of Taiwan, time and the ring shape of journey. Build up a VI design logic that belongs to Wan Cha. Convey the meaning of “Come full circle, walk through the world, follow the taste in memories. Returning home in heart” to consumers. |
Description(Native) | 跟著記憶中的味道,回心內的家: 圖像設計概念由灣茶經營者踏上旅程找尋好味道的腳步切入,結合了茶葉與台灣的意象、時間與旅程的環狀形體,而字體識別設計則取自品牌名「灣」與「茶」兩字的含義,「灣」象徵好茶總要上山,而茶山彎路難走,也代表著經營者踏上找尋好茶的路程。「茶」則是經營者視為填滿日常生活的重要icon元素,建構屬於灣茶的VI設計邏輯,象徵著跟著記憶的味道,回心裡的家喝台灣好茶。 我們希望透過視覺故事讓消費者感受品牌想傳達的內心情感和態度,再次踏回台灣而落地生根的「灣茶」,每一步都是時間的累積,就像好茶入口後,需要時間感受、體會才知道真正的感覺。 生命中有兩種感知能讓我們一秒喚起記憶,一種是聽覺、一種是味覺。踏上了旅程,才唸起記憶中的味道 ; 離開了家,才想起家的美好。於是成熟了以後,我們總是找尋著青春裡的某個人、事、物來填滿自己的心,豐富生命的情感,那像是一種歲月或日常的陪伴,每個人都曾經有過這樣的感覺。 茶香是記憶中的美好,也是歲月累積的故事,泡一杯灣茶日常,像是喝一口舊時台灣的老情感,彷彿隨著茶香冉冉飄起的是1970年爸爸在客廳泡茶的香味,我知道那就是我心裡最棒的滋味,而我們也希望將這樣的美好,濃縮在VI識別傳達中,分享給每個消費者。 |
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Wan Cha
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin