

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Client Global Sunac Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Nine Dimension Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Wei Ding
Description(English) The coffee house uses local materials. Bamboo weaving utensils and the arc shape add a touch of delicacy to the whole natural space. Qingshen bamboo weaving culture recorded over 5,000 years ago is integrated in large areas. Typical elements in western Sichuan dwellings such as wood, lime and black tiles are used heavily. The open modern design allows the space to contrast with the surrounding environment. The bucket arch eaves of western Sichuan dwellings and the old motorcycle in front of the coffee house tell the story of time. The mottled marks on antiques record the vicissitudes of history.
Description(Native) 咖啡厅就地取材,编织器物与弧形造型为整体自然空间增加一丝精巧。大面积融入有5000多年记载的青神竹编文化,且以川西民居典型的木、石灰、青瓦等元素为主,用开阔性现代设计手法,让空间与周边环境相映成趣。 川西斗拱屋檐与咖啡厅前老旧摩托车共同诉说着光阴的故事,古老物件斑驳的印记里记录着时代的变迁,老式收音机、电视唤醒一代人的回忆,磁带里流传着儿时最熟悉的唱腔,曾经的美好依旧;步入咖啡厅,而今多功能区花艺、烘焙等简单的幸福正在发生,清水泥与原木的碰撞,加以大叶绿植装饰,打造独立于世的生态空间。 俄罗斯方块墙将我们带回无忧童年,并通过现代设计为空间注入一丝灵动与活力,增强空间层次与艺术气息。绿色与光影的留白,造就简洁明快的现代风格。文化与艺术、古老与现代、空间与环境,在此达成了协调与统一。 自然之境,不止于荒野与苍茫,更因现代审美的融入而更凸显风骨与智慧,除却繁冗雕饰,用简约质朴的艺术表达,勾勒出美好生活篇章。
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  6. Ordering Forest

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  25. Modern Senior Living

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