

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation SOHO Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer CHEN CHIEN I, Chen Chao Han, Lin Chiu, Lai Ya Yu, Chu Chieh Hsin
Description(English) The gaps of the array colonnades do not hinder the penetration of light, and the light from the sunlight reflected by the floor extends on the ground without obstruction, forming a gradual light fade. Without blocky shadows and its separation, the floor has a wider sense of depth and width. The black frame connected under the floating array has the penetrability of the direction and angle, and it defines the broad visual extension of the floor. It is also the light barrier of the array which forms the lamp post. All the intentions are maintaining the plain white broadness from day to night, while removing shadows from the floor.
Description(Native) 住宅不需要繁複的符號,更不需要太多材料的堆疊,素雅紋理的表現,更能清晰彰顯空間的內斂涵構。 為了講求高機能儲物的佈局,企圖使儲物櫃皆形成漂浮的陣列式柱廊。主要是空間處於偏低樓層,陽光照射進入屋內的角度相當的小。 陣列柱廊的間隙不阻礙光的穿透,地板陽光照射的光線在地面延伸也不受阻礙,形成漸進式的輕淡化,少了塊狀陰影,沒了黑影分隔,地板的廣域感更加的深化。 漂浮陣列下銜接的黑框架,具備方向角度的穿透性,也同樣是地板視覺寬闊延伸的定義,亦是陣列形成燈柱的擋光板,所有的意圖皆是地面沒有陰影塊面及線條,晝夜皆維持住素白的寬闊。 毛面素白石材輕淡紋理,不會因亮面折射阻擋紋理延伸的波律,一致性的用材,利用異形加工及厚薄、前後、高低的量體堆疊,是空間聲響的折射板,整個向度的聲音也是清柔的,而淡灰的陰影勾勒出若雕塑品的每一處細節。即便玄關天花立體而輕量的層次,如浮雲的輕飄,疊像框架的延伸如時光廊,真實且虛幻。 老子「道德經」41章 中:大白若辱,大方無隅的意境,演化在此住宅的價值中。
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