

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Apollo Intelligent Connectivity Beijing Technology
Designer Jifang Wang, Jun Li, Xiuhong Ye, Chao Gao, Donglin Xu
Description(English) At present, the evolution of smart driving systems has entered a data-driven era, and engineers urgently need efficient tools to assist in the completion of system development. Baidu intelligent Driving Cloud displays the data collected by the car in different colors to distinguish problem levels, assists in rapid positioning and analysis, and intuitively presents the data flow and model training process through card layout and 3D graphics, helping to complete system development. The market size is expected to reach 5 billion by 2025. At that time, this product will help more companies to create safe and intelligent self-driving vehicles.
Description(Native) 随着新能源汽车的加速渗透和智驾系统的广泛应用,智驾能力的进化逐渐进入以数据驱动的时代。目前智驾系统研发正面临着成本高、效率低等问题,工程师们迫切需要高效易用的工具协助完成研发工作。 百度智驾云平台将复杂抽象的研发流程转化为直观易懂的图形化语言,实现数据处理与模型训练全流程可视可感知,辅助工程师们更高效的完成智驾系统研发。 数据处理方面,平台将车端采集回传的数据以不同颜色区分问题等级进行显示,辅助工程师快速定位和分析;针对分析、送标的数据,以卡片式布局呈现自动化标注多任务并发状态,实现数据流转过程可视可追溯。 模型训练方面,将复杂的训练步骤进行标准化封装并转化为可视化的三维图形,清晰明确的展示模型训练和评测进度,让工程师能够实时掌握模型迭代节奏和表现。 预计到2025年,数据闭环产品及服务外采市场规模将达到50亿,届时,本产品将助力更多车企打造安全智能的自动驾驶车辆,成为量产车大数据时代智驾能力进化的核心引擎之一。
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  4. Baidu Intelligent Driving Cloud Platform

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  8. XIJIAJIA An AI Digital Human

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  25. Columbia New Character IKKI

  26. Cage Bird

  27. EDEN

  28. Project Eyes to Eyes

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