

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation China Mobile Group Device Co., Ltd.
Designer Bo Zhang, Hao Li, Liqun Liu, Qingwei Zhang
Description(English) XR series routers with computing power have more than 64GB of memory, can share their redundant storage, bandwidth and computing power to build a Home CDN service network, so as to realize the node transmission of end-to-end content. Users who provide computing power sharing benefit from reduced network charges. XR series adopt a unified geometric design language and different desktop placement forms, which avoid the homogenization of products and meet more usage scenarios. Built-in and foldable antenna design can not only save packaging materials and improve logistics efficiency, but also contribute to low-carbon environmental protection.
Description(Native) XR系列算力路由器拥有至少64G以上的内存,可将自身冗余存储、可靠带宽以及端侧算力共享,建立Home CDN业务网络,从而实现端侧内容的节点高效传输、降低网络时延以及为主干网络减压的目的。XR系列可使提供算力共享的用户获得降低网络资费的收益,开创了运营商和用户共赢的业务模式。XR系列采用了统一几何化的设计语言和不同的桌面摆放形态,既避免了产品同质化,又增强了产品对不同环境的适应性。内置和可折叠的天线设计,使包装的体积最小,节约了包材资源和提升了物流运输的效率。另外,XR系列采用了模具注塑和模具镭雕精加工的工艺取代传统的塑胶喷涂工艺,避免了油漆对环境的污染,为低碳环保和全球可持续发展做出了贡献。
Website www.10086.cn
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The XR series routers, selected as a K-Design Award 2024 winner, are recognized for their over 64GB memory, Home CDN service network, and versatile geometric design. Their built-in foldable antenna enhances packaging efficiency and supports environmental sustainability. This innovative design sets a new standard in router technology, blending functionality and eco-friendliness.
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