


Tribal Translator

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation China University of Technology
Designer Lin Yu Han, Hung Cai He, Chen Wei Cian, Chen Yueh Tung, Kao Pei Wei
Description(English) This design highlights the shamanic culture of Taiwan's indigenous Truku tribe. Shamans play a vital spiritual role, connecting with spirits, nature, and the community. They heal, promote peace, and pass down traditions. Through recorded stories, this design captures the essence of young Truku shamans, fostering cultural exploration and understanding. It showcases the tribe's values and offers insight into Taiwan's indigenous culture, promoting cross-cultural exchange.
Description(Native) 本設計的核心聚焦於台灣原住民文巫師文化(太魯閣部落)。太魯閣族巫師在部族中扮演重要的靈魂人物,擁有傳統知識和技能,能夠與神靈、自然和族群中的其他人建立聯繫,並且被認為能夠治療疾病、促進和平與調和。本設計以太魯閣年輕巫師故事,用紀錄的方式闡述巫師的生活、信仰和傳統,將巫師文化薈萃濃縮在裡面,致力於部落文化尋根之旅,開啟一扇探索自身文化深度的門徑。設計同時向對台灣本土文化抱有好奇心的人們展現獨特部落的多元價值。透過這個設計,觀眾可以深入了解太魯閣族巫師的生活方式、價值觀念以及對於自然與神靈的信仰,進而引發對於本土文化的共鳴和尊重。這個設計不僅呈現太魯閣巫師深邃的文化內涵,更是一場啟發、理解和跨文化交流的契機。透過這個設計,觀眾可以體驗到太魯閣族巫師的獨特魅力,並且對於原住民文化有更深入的認識和了解。
Website kiki26715210.wixsite.com/seejiqmsnru
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design brilliantly highlights Taiwan's indigenous Truku shamanic culture. By capturing young shamans' stories, it preserves vital spiritual traditions and promotes cultural understanding. The design's focus on storytelling fosters deep cultural exploration and cross-cultural exchange, showcasing the Truku tribe's values and earning it the Grand Prize.
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