Country | Taiwan |
Year | 2018 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | ONE Research Design |
Affiliation | ONE Research Design |
Designer | ZONG-YINGCHEN |
Description(English) | As lines construct face which, in turn, creates volume, in space, the singularity, matrix and extension of lines constructs surfaces, as non-linearity infused in the linearity, much like the synergy of the objectivity and subjectivity in the living spaces, hence creating a comfortable environment that bridges the interior and the exterior, while the artistic adds to the quality of the space. Open and private, linearity and non-linearity, objectivity and subjectivity, black and white, and light and darkness, etc., articulated a rich space. |
Description(Native) | 設計的思考緣起於建築外觀圍塑著格柵線性,有秩序地排列如同律動的音符一般,觸動了設計者的思緒。藝術家蒙德里安Piet Mondrian的「新造形主義」畫作,影響著設計者的繪畫與設計,水平和垂直的黑線條分割,看似呆板其實卻有其和諧與韻律,將其放進此設計作品之中,並結合了家具、軟件等元素,讓人身處其中感受空間隱含的藝術氣息及自然的舒適。現代住宅的空間的分佈,提出以二元相對的思維概念,分為開放領域及私人領域,玄關、客廳、餐廳、廚房、皆視為開放空間的一環,是家人、朋友談天、用餐、聯絡情感交誼的場地。而個私人空間不對外公開,僅提供給個人獨處、聽音樂、閱讀、睡眠的隱密性空間,和開放性空間是相對的。線的延伸、垂直、序列,一前一後,加上天花上的木紋肌理、白色紗簾的轉摺、木格柵的線條,如同線的序列,讓空間中的層次鮮明。面的翻摺,以觸控面板為點,特殊色澤的黑在空間中轉進,淨白的面增添了對比,同時也形成長形幾何樣貌,在軸線之間遞延,增加了趣味性也加強了空間強烈的視覺感受。以室內潔淨的白、神秘的黑、質樸的灰、溫潤木色,來構成空間之中主要色澤,搭配空間外部樹木的綠,輔以畫作的襯托,沙發上鮮黃抱枕一抹的點綴,在陽光的映照之下,形成一個舒適自然的環境。 |
Antifungal Quick Cleaning Electric Rice Cooker
Filterless Air Purifier
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin