

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Client ONE Research Design
Affiliation ONE Research Design
Description(English) As lines construct face which, in turn, creates volume, in space, the singularity, matrix and extension of lines constructs surfaces, as non-linearity infused in the linearity, much like the synergy of the objectivity and subjectivity in the living spaces, hence creating a comfortable environment that bridges the interior and the exterior, while the artistic adds to the quality of the space. Open and private, linearity and non-linearity, objectivity and subjectivity, black and white, and light and darkness, etc., articulated a rich space.
Description(Native) 設計的思考緣起於建築外觀圍塑著格柵線性,有秩序地排列如同律動的音符一般,觸動了設計者的思緒。藝術家蒙德里安Piet Mondrian的「新造形主義」畫作,影響著設計者的繪畫與設計,水平和垂直的黑線條分割,看似呆板其實卻有其和諧與韻律,將其放進此設計作品之中,並結合了家具、軟件等元素,讓人身處其中感受空間隱含的藝術氣息及自然的舒適。現代住宅的空間的分佈,提出以二元相對的思維概念,分為開放領域及私人領域,玄關、客廳、餐廳、廚房、皆視為開放空間的一環,是家人、朋友談天、用餐、聯絡情感交誼的場地。而個私人空間不對外公開,僅提供給個人獨處、聽音樂、閱讀、睡眠的隱密性空間,和開放性空間是相對的。線的延伸、垂直、序列,一前一後,加上天花上的木紋肌理、白色紗簾的轉摺、木格柵的線條,如同線的序列,讓空間中的層次鮮明。面的翻摺,以觸控面板為點,特殊色澤的黑在空間中轉進,淨白的面增添了對比,同時也形成長形幾何樣貌,在軸線之間遞延,增加了趣味性也加強了空間強烈的視覺感受。以室內潔淨的白、神秘的黑、質樸的灰、溫潤木色,來構成空間之中主要色澤,搭配空間外部樹木的綠,輔以畫作的襯托,沙發上鮮黃抱枕一抹的點綴,在陽光的映照之下,形成一個舒適自然的環境。
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  1. R TRUNK

  2. Masaccio Furniture Art LOGO Design

  3. Selaguard

  4. Easycheck Medication

  5. 3 italiani

  6. Bright Color Jungle

  7. Centrat Palace,Vanke

  8. Cold and Warm

  9. compose

  10. Diameter

  11. factory of apparel B

  12. Green Life

  13. Immaculate white

  14. K11 Art Mall

  15. Line Composition

  16. Linear Space

  17. Parkview

  18. Primus Hotel

  19. Rising sun of song

  20. The house of light

  21. Zen

  22. Just Stay Resort

  23. ichiei Branding



  26. 輕工業風 / LIGHT LOFT

  27. Alchemy

  28. AIWA nursery

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