



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation China University of Mining and Technology
Designer Jiaxin Lv, Yue Yang, Wenyu Wang, Ying Zhang, Yi Huang
Description(English) Cakes and flowers are good options for expressing emotions. The packaging cleverly combines the two, hoping to bring double blessings to the giver. The language of flowers has no borders, and no matter what kind of emotion you want to express, you can find a corresponding expression in the world of flowers. Flowers is a timer from nature, When we can't eat the cake in one sitting, flowers will measure the freshness of the cake for you, when you notice the state of the flowers again, you can intuitively perceive the shelf life of the cake. In the visual pattern design, each box is printed with Fibonacci wave points presented by natural stamens
Description(Native) 鲜花和蛋糕都是人们都是作为礼物的不错选择。包装设计巧妙的结合二者,将一朵鲜花置入蛋糕包装上,希望能带给被赠予者双重的祝福。花朵的语言没有国界,不论您想表达什么样的情感,赠与对象身处何种文化环境,您都可以在鲜花的世界中找到恰当的表达方式。赠与者收到蛋糕后,如果不能一次将蛋糕吃完,鲜花也会悄悄的用自己的方式为您计量蛋糕的新鲜状态,用最直观的方式让您注意到蛋糕的质保期限,提醒您去尽快将蛋糕食用,从而提醒用户在最佳赏味期限进行食用,避免食物的浪费。视觉语言上,每一款包装盒上通过DIY喷绘技术,采用不同色彩的波点图形,波点的排布方式以自然界花朵花蕊中出现的斐波那契数列为灵感,同时印以花朵的名称以及花语。
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