



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation 10CM Interior Design
Designer Yi Ning Lo
Description(English) The name "impulse" symbolizes rhythm, calmness, and relaxation. This is a Pilates space designed for women. With "calmness and relaxation" as the core, the designers constructed a quiet space with functionality and aesthetics through wabi-sabi style, curves, wood, and soft colors. To satisfy the preferences of the female clientele, the space is decorated with fashionable and delicate elements such as striped tiles and fabrics, making the space a photo spot. The curved shape from the ceiling drapery to the negotiation area, as well as the irregular mirrors and chandeliers, echo the femininity and reveal the sense of flow.
Description(Native) 基地為皮拉提斯運動空間,本作品取名為「蘊謐」,「蘊」象徵運動時的律動感;「謐」指希望空間給予女性的沉穩與放鬆。這是專為女性設計的皮拉提斯運動空間,設計師以「沉穩、放鬆」為核心理念,透過侘寂風格的設計語言,使用大量弧形、木質元素及柔和色調,營造出兼具功能美感的靜謐運動環境。為滿足女性客群偏好,空間不僅加入時尚細緻的裝飾元素如細條磚、布幔,增添環境時尚感,也成為拍照打卡的理想場景。 作品以弧形線條貫穿設計,從天花板的布幔造型到洽談區的弧形設計,以及鏡面和吊燈的不規則佈局,呼應女性柔美,增加環境流動感。並且利用優越的採光條件,透過格柵屏風和空格磚設計,不僅豐富空間層次,也保證光線和空氣流通,營造出舒適且光線充足的運動環境。
Website www.10cmdesign.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The "Impulse" Pilates space is celebrated for its blend of rhythm, calmness, and relaxation. Using wabi-sabi style, curves, wood, and soft colors, the designers created a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. Fashionable elements like striped tiles and fabrics enhance its appeal to the female clientele.
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