

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation PiiN Interior Design
Description(English) The designers made the home a large private amusement park. They connected the upper and lower levels of the home, making the space more transparent and brighter, and allowing the owners to have a richer experience in this space. The classic light color palette is complemented by stone patterns, textures, and high vaulted ceilings for a modern interpretation of light luxury. The residence for a family of five satisfies the needs of life and turns the demand for aesthetics into vistas. Every scene and every detail is like a movie clip when one takes a picture of it.
Description(Native) 本案屬於自地自建的第3、4層樓中樓裝修,1、2樓為業主自家公司的辦公室與倉庫,而3、4樓則作為自己的住宅,業主本身喜好優雅輕奢的米色系,並且兩人為了3個小寶貝,期望給他們一個有趣且舒適的成長環境及童年,因此在規劃空間時,特別將樂園這個元素融入整個大空間。設計師將家營造成為私人的大型樂園,挑空區串聯起上下兩層的關係,使整個空間更加通透明亮,也讓業主在這個空間擁有更豐富的生活體驗,經典淺色調打造開闊視野,運用石紋、肌理、挑高穹頂共同演繹的現代輕奢。一家五口居住的生活空間,不僅滿足生活需求,也將對審美的需求轉為實質端景,每處場景、每個細節,隨手一拍就彷彿如同電影大片,凝聚片刻時光的美景。 無拘無束的氣息縈繞在每個角落,培育出置身自然的幸福感,令人放下憂慮,聆聽內心深處的聲音,時光在此流淌著歲月的淡淡溫情,彷彿每個細節都是心靈的舒緩旋律,讓人在喧囂中找到片刻的寧靜。
Website piinterior.net
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design transforms a home into a private amusement park by connecting upper and lower levels, creating transparency and brightness. The classic light color palette, stone patterns, and vaulted ceilings offer a modern interpretation of light luxury, satisfying both aesthetic and practical needs. This innovative and cinematic approach earned it the Winner title.
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