

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2024
Affiliation AaaM Architects
Designer Shuyan Chan, Kevin Siu, Bob Pang
Description(English) The central courtyard allows abundant natural light and cross ventilation for both all spaces. A grand stair penetrate through it and interconnect different programs, providing multi-dimensional event spaces, from dining terrace, performance deck, social steps to knowledge garden. Office spaces are stacked hierarchically from lower floor co-work spaces to offices high up. Ancillary program boxes and viewing deck are juxtaposed and mutated into the warm colored courtyard, creating intimacy for idea exchange. This office complex integrates work efficiency, creativity, collaboration and social responsibilities through its spatial arrangement.
Description(Native) 透过设计条件与场地分析,项目设计著手研究学术、企业与社会群体的关系,从中建构一个让知识交流、社区互动及企业展示的办公平台。本项目不仅只提供高效率工作空间,更促进创意,鼓厉实验,合作及盛载社会责任,成为一个新型办公综合体。 标准办公空间沿基地东西两侧分层堆叠:低区为联合办公,高区甲级办公。在两个楼栋之间,共享辅助功能(即会议室,商务休息室,演讲厅,冥想空间,运动/健身房,咖啡吧,活动空间,空中花园和观景台)与办公空间发生变异,成为不同办公人员进行日常交流的场景。具采光通风的户外大台阶楼由首层连接至五层,并串连不同的辅助功能与不同大小的户外交流空间: 社交台阶,表演平台,知识园莆和联合办公连桥。因应以上功能的复杂性,建筑形态也由传统塔楼演化成错综复杂的堆叠方块。 外立面是一个窗墙系统设计,并结合了视野引导和太阳路径,令建筑更为节能环保。用于东/西立面的遮阳垂直构件45度旋转,和水平角度的隔层铝板,均可以控制太阳角度,减省能耗。结构概念是一种混合系统设计,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构+装配整体式楼盖体系,在5~6层以及11~14层设有连接体,设计时连接方式采用刚性连接,连接体结构采用钢管空腹桁架,并在桁架端跨设置跨层斜腹杆,既满足结构受力要求,又实现了内部空间最大利用。
Website www.facebook.com/aaamarchi
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This office complex excels with its central courtyard providing natural light and cross ventilation. The grand stair interconnects various event spaces, from dining terraces to knowledge gardens. Hierarchically arranged office spaces and warm-colored ancillary program boxes foster creativity and collaboration. This innovative spatial arrangement, enhancing work efficiency and social interaction, earned it the Winner title for its exceptional design.
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  2. REall

  3. AromaMemo

  4. Desktop scissors

  5. Twisting One

  6. BLOB

  7. SURYA

  8. SCA transport

  9. Laser positioning ladder

  10. Rhythm cleaning ball

  11. Throne X Immersive Musicians Throne


  13. Exlicon MX A drawing tool without boundaries

  14. Lei Light Reflection

  15. Light Operator Cell Sorting Equipment

  16. Combination bench furniture PITTA

  17. XR Series Routers With Computing Power

  18. Cordy

  19. SYNC Portable Home Training

  20. WEllDEN

  21. Fortruck

  22. Hand Stretcher Stabilizer

  23. Polycycle Illumination

  24. Ring A10

  25. Techstride Modular Oxford

  26. 24 hour heart rate detection equipment

  27. tshing

  28. Soapify

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